
Evil Homer vs. Mikey's Meatgrinder

Evil Homer (IG) vs. The Mikey Meatgrinder

So leave it to our buddy Mikey to bring the cheese. My list gets labeled as bad but I think his is worse. Long of the short is 12 missile launchers, 4 razorbacks, the ability to target 10 vehicles on turn 1, oh and he understands targeting priority too. Great.

So we played for 4 objectives spaced evenly like a + sign around the center of the table, no objective in the center. Dawn of War deployment, cityfight style table w/ multiple 2 story and a large 3 story building amongst numerous others. The secondary objective involved searching ruins for the secondary, each time a unit entered a ruin roll, on a 6 the objective is there. I hate this secondary but what are you gonna do? You got to play what's handed to you.

I should point out I elected to pick table sides and deploy, I needed to hide the Mantys and there was a perfect corner to do so. Unfortunately it also meant I had to go first and in DoW I would rather go second. So first turn to me.

I start 1 chimi w/ vets on the table in some ruins. He started all off table. I roll on hard, pop-smoke which in hindsight I should have waited a turn to do. The Vendetta’s screamed on to grab the 4+ and hugged some of the taller cover to limit LoS. He moved on and set up the Long Fangs in cover, made a parking lot with good shooting lanes and started shooting. First shot of the game from a razorback nailed a vendetta. See how these things work?

So the rest of his shooting involved some stuns. Nothing spectacular.

The rest of the game revolved around a lot of jockeying for shots and position on the objectives. I advanced the chimis to grab 3 objectives and moved the CCS down the left side to babysit one of the chimis and threaten a long fang squad. He moved to counter my moves on objectives.

The game was a lot of maneuvering. Neither of us cold really get the shooting game going and I was avoiding letting him get into CC with me. I shot a lot of squads but could not kill marines in cover. Mikey seems to make a 4+ cover save on demand. Me, I fail em all the time.

Anyhow in the end he controlled 2, I controlled 1 and we split the 4th. I owned the secondary (he downed another bird and squad inside hoofed it to the nearest cover, finding the secondary waiting for them). I think Mikey made a mistake, he had a razorback in some cover and he could have moved on the secondary for 2 turns to deny me the secondary. It was a naked guard squad, they weren’t going to be able to stop him.

I screwed up in my last turn. At the end of my turn I controlled 3 objectives and knew I was going to lose 1 of them. I knew another would be contested. I left him an easy out though, I neglected to move a bird into position to back up a naked guard squad I had left holding an objective. He assaulted with his 10 man GH squad as expected. If I had moved the bird there’s a good chance we draw the game as I would have had 1, he had 1, and 2 would have been contested. Then again he could have assaulted both and killed them but it would have given me another out.

Other than the dice no really cooperating for either of us in a decisive manner, I think our targeting was spot on and I was overall really happy with the game played out. It was tense, we knew the winner was in good shape to take the whole.

In terms of points it went 5-4 to Mikey, his army gives up 16 and mine gives up 17, as you can see the dice gods were not giving us decisive results.

I expect Mikey to make some improvements to his list going to 1750 (more damn missiles…) and I am making improvements to mine as well. More on that Wednesday or Thursday when I have to turn my monthly list in.

-Brent feel free to insert pics to break up the Wall o' Text



Unknown said...

Lets have a look at this super duper list then! :)

Evil Homer said...

From Memory:
3 long fangs w/ 4ML (split Fire)
4 Razorbacks (las plas)
2x5 GH w/ Flamer,+WG w/combi + PF/PW?
2x9 GH w/ Melta Rhino+WG " "

I want to say that's all. I'm not sure its the best SW list out there but the shooting options in the book are very point efficient. The list plays to his strengths (deployment, targeting priority) and gives him the ability to threaten a lot of targets.

4 scoring units all of which can handle themselves in both the shooting and CC phases of the game give him alot of flexibility.

Mikey has a great sense of what has to die first and understands that a shaken/stun means move on to the next target. He doesn't waste shots. Given his list has a lot of shots it makes for an interesting time.

Master Manipulator (every store needs one) said...

HQ: Rune Priest
1 Rune Priest
...in Power Armour
1 Rune Priest in Power Armour
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Chooser of the Slain; Runic Armour; Bolt Pistol (x1); Runic Weapon (x1); Jaws of the World Wolf; Living Lightning

Elite: Wolf Guard Pack
1 Wolf Guard Pack
Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour
2 Wolf Guard in Power Armour
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Combi-Meltagun (x1); Power Fist (x1);
2 Wolf Guard in Power Armour
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolter (x1); Power Fist (x1)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#
5 Grey Hunters Pack @ 155 Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x5); Bolter (x4); Close Combat Weapon (x5); Flamer; Razorback
1 Razorback
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon; Twin-Linked Plasmagun; Dozer Blade; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (6#,
5 Grey Hunters Pack
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x5); Bolter (x4); Close Combat Weapon (x5); Flamer; Razorback
1 Razorback
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon; Twin-Linked Plasmagun; Dozer Blade; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#,
9 Grey Hunters Pack
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x8); Bolter (x8); Close Combat Weapon (x9); Meltagun; Power Weapon; Rhino
1 Rhino
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Dozer Blade; Storm Bolter

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#,
9 Grey Hunters Pack
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x8); Bolter (x8); Close Combat Weapon (x9); Meltagun; Power Weapon; Rhino
1 Rhino
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Dozer Blade; Storm Bolter

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#,
4 Long Fangs Pack
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon (x4); Missile Launcher (x4); Razorback
1 Squad Leader @
Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon;
1 Razorback @
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon; Twin-Linked Plasmagun; Dozer Blade; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#,
4 Long Fangs Pack
Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon (x4); Missile Launcher (x4); Razorback
1 Squad Leader
Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon;
1 Razorback
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon; Twin-Linked Plasmagun; Dozer Blade; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (5#,
4 Long Fangs Pack
Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon (x4); Missile Launcher (x4);
1 Squad Leader
Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon;

Total Roster Cost: 1497


Zameer Anwar said...

The meat grinder has become more and more popular because it helps in cooking or preparing several delicious dishes like hamburger, sausage, Burger and other related products. But a major concern is to identify the proper grinder, so you need to figure out your requirement, whether you are looking to process small amounts of meat occasionally at home, or starting your own meat shop or replacing current equipment.
Meat Grinder

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to take your word that's a good list. Never played Space Wolves and only browsed the codex so I do not know the in's and out's of them.

SAJ said...

Zameer brings up some very good points...something to consider.

Big Whit said...

I think missiles do both small amounts or large amounts of meat.

SAJ said...

Bruce, a wise observation...the missile launchers offer much needed versatility.

(A new favorite!) Anon: I haven’t even bothered playing a game of 6th yet, cause I have read the rules, and actually understand how they interact with units. I know my armies no longer function how they should, and so I need to change them.

Strictly Average: 'cause 6-inches is all you get.

Stalking Jawaballs since 2009.

Jawaballs: "My butt just tightened up."

Brent, preferred 2-to-1 over Not Brent in a recent, scientific poll.

Brent: emptied the Kool Aid and DRINKING YOUR MILKSHAKE with an extra-long straw.

Unicorns don't exist.

Home of the Stormbuster, the Dyson Pattern Storm Raven.

I'm a comment whore and this whore is getting no play.

Not Brent hurts Brent's feelings.

I think, therefore I blog.

"You should stop writing for everyone else and worry about your crappy blog." - Anon.

Not Brent has been spotted lurking around with a green marker.

He's not like a bad guy from a cartoon, all devious but never quite evil, Not Brent is bad beans, man, bad beans.

Dethtron: "Again I feel obliged to remind you that trying to sound smart only works if you are."

MVB: "I am not one to join the unwashed masses of self-titled 40k experts out there distributing advice from their blogs about exactly how your list should be built..."

Shiner Bock on tap: that's how I choose hotels.

Strictly Average: The Home of Hugs and Gropings.

Don't feed the trolls!

MoD: "Welcome to Brent's head."

Competitive is Consistent.

Dethtron: "...you could use that extra time to figure out a way to get your panties unbunched and perform a sandectomy on your vagina."

Dethtron: “When calling someone an idiot, it's generally best to avoid making grammatical mistakes.”

Warboss Stalin: "You know, if it actually WAS funny, maybe I wouldn't mind."

Mike Brandt: "It's not a successful bachelor party if you don't misplace someone".

"The Master Manipulator (every store needs one): "...now, enough stroking."

Kirby: "I don't know about gropings. Seriously, Brent, keep it in the pants, please."

Loquacious: "No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get Hugs & Gropings or Stalks Jawaballs into Brent's little tribute."

Captain Kellen: "I rate this article a Brent on the Faith Hill to Nancy Pelosi scale!"

Drathmere: "Come for the balls, stay for the Brent? Kind of disturbing, man."

Go no further, lest thee see something thine eyes would fain look past!

Isabelle: "So, thank you for supporting your local and not so local unicorns. A noble gesture like that can show some scared kids out there that they don't have to hide from everyone and it's ok to be who they really are."

There is nothing more interesting than We The People... in all our beautiful, ugly glory!

On Internet Advice: You see, I have an almost religious belief that's it's a huge, colossal waste of time.

...I think I'll call it the Gun Shy Pattern Stormbuster, because after the Internet destroyed my first humble effort, I find I'm a bit worried about the reaction to this one.

Lauby: "Is it left over from that time you thought that you could just complete step one 12 times to meet the mandates of that court order?"

Not Brent: "I guess we'll have to read on and find out. Signed, Not Brent. Especially today."

Cynthia Davis: "I think the scrolling text is from Glen Beck's new book."

Grimaldi: "Spamming certain units creates interesting possibilities but also fatal weaknesses."

Purgatus: "Math can inform decisions. It cannot make decisions."

Thoughts? Comments? Hugs and gropings?

You'd be that much quicker to figure out what I mean when I refer to a Unicorn if I covered it in a rainbow flag.

SinSynn: (To Brent) "Curse you and your insidious influence on the internets..."

Dave G (N++): "You know you're an internet celebrity when your following is more akin to tabloids."

I prefer the term Internet Personality (or IP) myself, seeing as how I coined it.

Lauby: "Your attempt to humanize him as failed. I feel nothing but scorn for his beard - it's like a warcrime or something."

BBF: "I've always thought you are a good player but I finally figured out that you are a great player. It's hard to see sometimes because your personality is engaging, sincere and quite charming - to me that is kind of a rare combination."

'Clearly cheating?' I didn't misspeak: you jumped to conclusions. If you'd like to apologize I'll be happy to send you an autographed picture of my ass.


I thought I was doing alright before I realized I was losing.

Age and treachery beats youth and vigor every time.

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