Viva la technologie!
Another reason: there are so many great painters posting so much great content that the last thing the web needs is me clogging it up with my slightly-better-than-average-but-who-knows painting style. To that end I've been posting on topics I feel are interesting but aren't done as much; I hope I've been successful.
That doesn't mean I won't share my experiments with you. Thus, the 20-minute minature!
Before that, here are two pictures of the 1000 point game I got to play on Wednesday. As my (very few!) readers will remember from last post, my FLGS started a new project, ably led by the Master Manipulator (every store needs one). The MM wrote up a list of viable armies, then knocked of Necrons - 'cause who wants 'em? - and we all rolled for an army to build. The idea is we build and play in increments (750, 1000, 1500, 2000) all the way up to 2500, then play in next years Hard Boyz to see how we do. I reported that I landed Chaos, but since my last post I allowed a trade to Bruce for the opportunity to roll again. I was actually okay with Chaos and interested in my MSU idea, but Bruce was a touch more interested so I went ahead with it.
Anyway, I rolled Daemons.
In a way, this is a tough break. It is well known that Daemons aren't a top tournament army at the moment, but forget all that - the idea of this project is to accept the challenge and make it work. More on this later, of course, but I threw together an army and played Jeff's Orks.
Jeff actually rolled Dark Eldar - and man am I excited to see what he does, since that's not an army we see around here - but his order hasn't arrived, so he played his Ork army. I won't really touch on the game; I won, but it was as complete a burgle as I've ever seen. Here, the Warboss and two squads attack my Daemon Prince of Khorne. Recognize this model JWolf, Darkwynn, and company? It's the model I won at BOLSCON, so I was excited about the opportunity to use it.
Here's my save against the Warboss' Power Klaw. I see it as a sign from the gods of Chaos that my army is destined for great things! 666 baby! (Er, sorry Father. Yes, yes, off to confession... Think the Catholic Church understands wargaming?)

So here is my 20-minute miniature. I grabbed a model from my bitz-box, a Marine from my now retired, and in pieces, Harbinger army. I used this army for years, but some old miniatures age better than others; Marine models didn't age well at all, so I had to start anew. No regrets.
I over brushed brown then dry brushed silver. I added details as quickly as I could - remember, I wanted to paint the entire thing in under 20 minutes. I was actually surprised that I had the time to do the shoulder pads, but there you go.
Here's another view.
So after taking the pictures I decided to try dipping the model. I've used dip in the past on my Beasts of Chaos army but never on 40K models. It didn't work out too well, as you can see.
So after all this - what did I learn? Don't use old dip. Even though I shook it it still didn't work well at all. Not the effect I was hoping for... still, I guess that means I'll have to paint up another one and try it over again.
1 comment:
It's amazing how downhill that game went after that roll. Yes, I killed the Daemon Prince, but it took 3 close combat rounds to get that final wound on him.
Everything would have been different if just one of those were a 4 ;)
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