I played Mike in Round III of the Adepticon Championships, and I think I may have mentioned already just how much I enjoyed this game. It was the best of the weekend, easily - but that's saying something! I had a bunch of great opponents to choose from.
Anyway, here's a quick snapshot of Mike's Tyranid army.
Venomthropes... I think these are underrated. Certainly they were central to Mike's army, providing a 5+ cover say to an army that doesn't normally get one. I'm seriously considering these for my Bugs! army, since I'm not sure there is another way to make my units of Carnibugs works. |
Mike's Bucket of Termagants! With four Tervigons dropping babies, there was a need for numerous models. These fit the bill. They weren't all painted but they were all differentiated, so it was truly easy to note the different units. |
Two Trygons, four Tervigons, a Hive Tyrant, two units of two Venomthropes, and three units of Termagants. It's a straightforward, well conceived list. He controls space with the lesser creatures and plays lawnmower with the bigger ones. |
Well-painted, too! |
Closeup of his Tervigon - he had a neat idea for these models. |
This represents the ability to hatch Termagants... |
...it's on the base when the model can spawn and removed when it can't! Genius idea, so as to avoid confusion. |
The thing that amazed me the most was Mike's ability to play this army quickly. He was obviously well-practiced, because each turn worked like clockwork. Good show, mate, good show!
Great idea with the removable hatch sack thing, could also be good for marking a stand in Carnifex as a Tervigon as well
I've been playing around with a removable marker for spawning and really like this one, might have to steal it.
Do you know if he run into any fast mech armies? Eldar of either flavor, BA, etc, are a real pain to try and run down in cc.
@bodiless- I've played Eldar with a somewhat similar list (swap venom thropes for zoanthropes in pods and give pods to termagants, and drop 1 tervigon). It is a total pain in the ass, and a reason that I don't know if this list with its lack of shooting can truly work.
lately I've added a lot more shooting to my mix, with Harpies, VCs on pods, and even the odd fex. you really need to be able to at least stun a couple of wave serps a turn to be able to get close enough to punch them.
I've got a magnetized Termagaunt for my Tervigon bases for that exact purpose.
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