Last week Everyone's Brother From Another Mother Big Whit and I teamed up to take on all comers at the Comic Asylum Team Tournament. It was a three-round event with 750 points per player.
Let's take a look at Game One.
Right Flank. |
We played Uncle Buck (Blood Angles) and Kenny (Tyranids), and these gents are starting a podcast called The Heroic 28's - check it out
HERE and let them know what you think!
These dudes were an absolute pleasure to play. Whit and I really enjoyed this game, and I learned a valuable lesson about Tyranids and their effectiveness against Daemons.
Left Flank. |
Here's the sour note. The mission for this game was crazy stupid. The idea was cool: we're fighting a battle beneath a Titan, so the idea is we're a small part of a larger battle. Pieces are falling off the Titan and stray blasts are landing on the battle field... cool, right?
Unfortunately, the rules used to represent this were very unbalancing, and ultimately cost Whit and I seriously in the last, important turns of the game.
I've decided not to cover that in this report; rather, I think I'll talk about tournament scenarios in general in a post tomorrow. I just don't want to sour what was a good game against great dudes!
Our enemy surges forward. |
Our reinforcements arrive. |
They threaten to overwhelm the left flank. |
The Fiends on the left just arrived, so jumped in cover. The Daemon Prince and the Fiends from the middle of the board multi-charge the Hormagaunts and Blood Angel Assault Squad. The DP assassinates the Libby. |
The right flank is somewhat quiet, though ultimately the Termagants surge forward, providing a tempting target for the Fiends. It'll open up the entire side. |
The left flank is held... so far! |
When the Genestealers arrived, they were just out of reach of the Fiends in cover... frankly, I was disappointed. The Blood Angels end up charging in and manage to dish out pain. Th Genestealers e survive an incredible amount of firepower. Too much, honestly. This cost us. |
I've learned to respect Feel No Pain with Tyranids! The big bug kept the Termagants alive long past the point they should have died! |
The Fiends assault up the right flank. They're forced to respond. They'll end up in control of the objective, but it cost them much to earn it. |
The 'Stealers destroy the Rhino, then hide behind it. |
They're bringing out resources to deal with the remains of the Fiends on the right flank; the lone Fiend in the center helps an Oblit kill the big bug. |
Damn 'Stealers! We unload... two survive. |
They own this objective... |
...and we own this corner. |
We contest the middle, since the last two 'Gants are too foolish to die! The 'Stealers managed to 1) move through cover, 2) roll a high run move, 3) assault far enough to hit the Fiend, 4) kill him, and 5) sweep close enough to contest our objective. |
The Primary is a draw! Big Whit and I earn a Minor Victory due to Kill Points.
Definitely a cool idea. An eventual collapse or reactor meltdown would only add to the fun. In a friendly game of course, you'd just tweak the rules on the fly to get them optimal.
Goatboy and I almost drove up for this tournament...but the goat needed his beauty sleep...I think he needs to get his priorities straight. Wonky missions, sometimes you reap the sweet fruit and sometimes you get the pitts.
Yeah, the rules for round 1 were definitely wonky. On the second turn of the game every vehicle counted as shaken and all open terrain counted as difficult terrain. That led to everyone taking movement rolls and vehicles taking immobilize rolls rolling across open ground.....that one really wreaked havoc with my eldar.
lol, I effin love this
combined with the music from below link, I got put in the zone
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