I repainted the brown cloth with a grey-based white, layering up to a final white highlight. I didn't spend a particularly large amount of time on it, being a test model, but here's the result.
The contrast against the red armor is worlds better, but Lord knows white is a pain to paint. After talking to the Master Manipulator (every store needs one), I've decided on red armor with grey tabards, a la Flesh Tearers and the like. I'll probably use an off-blue for the spot color.
Just having acquired a Sisters army, I couldn't resist play-testing it some! I defeated a Chaos Space Marines army first; a challenge, as though the player is new and inexperienced, his list made use of large squads of CSM with the Mark of Nurgle - and Toughness 5 is no mean trick against Nuns with (only) Guns!
Today I played the Mighty Mighty Carlos and managed to pull out the win. His shooting didn't work out too well and he managed to immobilize three Chimeras over the course of the game, but I'll take what I can get!
Don't get me wrong, though: this army comes after Necrons and Bugs! in my 'must complete' list, and I'm still overwhelmingly in favor of taking the former to Adepticon...
...if for no other reason than to try to nail down Darkwynn to a video battle report! Maybe I can champion the 'Dex and change his mind some.
Or lose horribly and blame it on the book - that works too!