My wife and I are both students (again - don't drop out of college kiddies!) in our early thirties with no children... DINKS; double-income-no-kids! While not rich, I get away with spending money on my hobbies - so what do you do with all that stuff when you
We moved recently. My new game room is smaller, more cramped. At least I have one; my friends report having a game closet...

I'm trying to finish up everything before leaving town for BOLSCON tomorrow. I don't have anything ready for the painting competition, so I've pulled a couple of options for minis I may try to update... if I have time...
Here are some henchmen from my Inquisitor's retinue. I thought I could them by painting the parchment and book with designs, pictures - that kind of thing.
One of my Beastlords. He's respectable, which is probably the best I'm going to achieve anyway. There are going to be some great painters there this weekend...
From my Chaos army; also respectable.
An example of what not to do for a painting competition! Here is my Doomlord. I painted my Beastmen army a month before the Lone Wolf tournament in Dallas this year; with a short timespan to paint that many miniatures, I developed a partial-dip technique to save some time. This worked really, really well on the troops, but I did the same thing to the Lords and Heroes... and I shouldn't have. It looks great for the table, but wouldn't make it past the first round of a painting competition due to pooling, browning, and such. From that perspective, it was much better before I applied the shade. Ah well!
Back to painting... still working on my last Falcon, then I hope to add some free-hand details. See some of you this weekend (though you won't know it, since nobody actually reads this...).
1 comment:
I think that you should go with the guy that has the book, but you might have to paint some lighting from the torch. The reason I like that model is because it's something that you don't see every day, so it draws more attention. Of course I do still like your chaos lord, but I don't think it has that what the hell is that model factor.
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