So maybe I'm being dragged kicking and screaming to a new way of thinking about Eldar.
I've had success, but in many ways I don't want to embarrass myself when I get to BOLSCON, what with Fritz, Jawa, Goat, JWolf - hell, all those guys and more are converging on Austin in August, and I want to hold my own or do them one better. I just need to make sure I have the proper tool.
I've been arguing with Stelek over on his blog, and while I don't think I'm wrong I'm not sure I'm right either. I won't waste words rehashing it; I've put the link in my last post. Suffice it to say, I need to trim some fat, so I cranked out some tighter lists this morning (concentrating on Hard Boyz points value, though the same theory applies to the 2000pt roster due this Friday).
2500 Pts - Eldar Roster - Eldar Hard Boyz List V3
1 Eldrad Ulthran @ 210 Pts
Psyker; Doom ; Eldritch Storm ; Fortune ; Guide ; Mind War ; Divination; Fleet; Independent Character; Ghost Helm (GH); Rune Armour (RAmr); Runes of Warding (RofWard); Runes of Witnessing (RofWit); Spirit Stones (P:SpStn); Shuriken Pistol (Sp); Witchblade (WB); Staff of Ulthamar (SofU)
1 Avatar @ 155 Pts
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature; Fearless; Deamon; Inspiring; Molten Body; Wailing Doom (WD)
4 Harlequin Troupe @ 126 Pts
Fleet; Flip Belts; Furious Charge; Hit & Run; Holo-Suit (H-S); Harlequins Kiss (Hkiss) (x4); Shuriken Pistol (x4)
1 Harle Troupe Master @ [38] Pts
Fleet; Flip Belts; Furious Charge; Hit & Run; Holo-Suit (H-S); Power Weapon; Shuriken Pistol (Sp)
9 Fire Dragons @ 332 Pts
Fleet; Fusion Gun (Fg); Melta Bombs
1 Fire Dragon Exarch @ [43] Pts
Fleet; Tank Hunters; Dragon's Breath Flamer; Melta Bombs
1 Wave Serpent @ [145] Pts
Energy Field (Wave Serpent); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); TL Bright Lances (TL-BL)
9 Fire Dragons @ 332 Pts
Fleet; Fusion Gun (Fg); Melta Bombs
1 Fire Dragon Exarch @ [43] Pts
Fleet; Tank Hunters; Dragon's Breath Flamer; Melta Bombs
1 Wave Serpent @ [145] Pts
Energy Field (Wave Serpent); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); TL Bright Lances (TL-BL)
10 Pathfinders (Rangers) @ 240 Pts
Fleet; Infiltrate; Move Through Cover; Stealth; Ignore Difficult Terrain; Pathfinder Stealth; Scouts; Pathfinders; Shuriken Pistol (Sp) (x10); Ranger Long Rifle (RLRifle)
10 Pathfinders (Rangers) @ 240 Pts
Fleet; Infiltrate; Move Through Cover; Stealth; Ignore Difficult Terrain; Pathfinder Stealth; Scouts; Pathfinders; Shuriken Pistol (Sp) (x10); Ranger Long Rifle (RLRifle)
10 Pathfinders (Rangers) @ 240 Pts
Fleet; Infiltrate; Move Through Cover; Stealth; Ignore Difficult Terrain; Pathfinder Stealth; Scouts; Pathfinders; Shuriken Pistol (Sp) (x10); Ranger Long Rifle (RLRifle)
4 Dark Reapers @ 217 Pts
Reaper Launcher (RL)
1 Dark Reaper Exarch @ [77] Pts
Crack Shot (CS); Tempest Launcher (TL)
4 Dark Reapers @ 217 Pts
Reaper Launcher (RL)
1 Dark Reaper Exarch @ [77] Pts
Crack Shot (CS); Tempest Launcher (TL)
1 Falcon @ 190 Pts
Holo-Field (Vehicle) (H-F); Spirit Stone (V:SpStn); Bright Lance (BL); TL Shuriken Catapult (TL-Scat); Pulse Laser (PL)
Total Roster Cost: 2499
This isn't the first build I came up with this morning, but it does make use of stuff I currently have. I may need to buy two more tanks.