I've had a renewed sense of enthusiasm for Warhammer 40K recently. I've been quietly building away, playing the occasional tournament, and net-lurking my favorite blogs. I rarely have much to say, primarily since I don't want to litter on someone's property.
I posted the following on Yes, The Truth Hurts and for whatever reason it inspired me to have a go at my own blog. (As an aside, I don't know if this is Stelek's property, as I posted it on his site; hopefully he won't mind if I nab it, being far too lazy to rewrite a similar position.
I find this comment interesting on a number of levels. Bell and YTTH are the primary blogs I read, but I do enjoy cruising some of the user blogs to check out paint jobs, conversions - that kind of thing. In that, I imagine I'm like 95% of the readership. I'm not sure when the shots started - but it doesn't matter. In the same way smack promotes fights on PayPerView this ain't hurting either group none. Gives me and the silent majority something to read. As a club, the Fly Lords have undeniable influence - they just can't stay on message the same way Stelek can, since he's primarily a one-dude show.
My opinions are littered in this post like dog turds, a sure sign it probably sucks, but I've gone this far, might as well finish. YTTH has done more for proper army composition than any other site. While Stelek didn't invent it, he shouted it off the rooftops - and offended practically every net-nerd with an ego and a conviction he was hot shit. There are good players everywhere, and a bunch are in Austin. The Fly Lords are what a gaming club should be, decent dudes with motivation. I met Goatboy at Lone Wolf Dallas this year and he was as cool as could be and endlessly enthusiastic about painting. I decided to attend the BOLSCON this year, primarily on my conviction these guys are trying to do something cool.
So I'm going to Austin! Got my tickets and room paid for and am looking forward to meeting a bunch of the people I read about.
I'm using this blog as motivation; I have no real belief others will visit, but that's cool - I need a way to measure my progress over the next month.
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