This is not a tough list, though elements of it will give people problems. *thinking* In that, maybe it's like a lot of lists people put together. That said, as Stelek would say, "It's full of fail."
Yup. Don't care! My decisions weren't based on winning as much as on other factors. Primarily, I wanted an easy list to play that would either win or lose quickly, but I also wanted one that was painted to a decent standard so I could enjoy using it. I'm not against using unpainted models in one-off games but I can't stand using one for an event or tournament.
But I like to win. Thus the regret.
1850 Pts - Chaos Marines Roster - Chaos Roster Galaxy Tourament July
1 Abaddon the Despoiler @ 275 Pts
Drach'nyen; Talon of Horus; Twin Linked Bolter; Fearless; Personal Icon; Mark of Chaos Ascendant
1 Chaos Sorceror @ 130 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x1); Force Weapon (x1); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Lash of Submission; Personal Icon; Mark of Slaanesh
9 Terminators @ 465 Pts
Chain Fist (x2); Power Fist (x2); Power Weapon (x5); Combi-flamer (x1); Combi-melta (x1); Twin Linked Bolter (x5); Reaper Autocannon (x2); Icon of Nurgle; Mark of Nurgle
1 Terminator Champion @ [45] Pts
Power Weapon (x1); Combi-melta (x1); Mark of Nurgle
5 Summoned Lesser Daemon @ 65 Pts
Close Combat Weapon; Fearless
5 Summoned Lesser Daemon @ 65 Pts
Close Combat Weapon; Fearless
1 Land Raider @ 235 Pts
Twin Linked Heavy Bolter; Twin Linked Lascannon Sponson (x2); Extra Armor; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers
5 Khorne Berzerkers @ 216 Pts
Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Plasma Pistol (x2); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Fearless; Furious Charge; Personal Icon; Mark of Khorne
1 Skull Champion @ [76] Pts
Plasma Pistol; Power Fist; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Fearless; Furious Charge; Mark of Khorne
5 Plague Marines @ 248 Pts
Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Bolter; Plasmagun (x2); Blight Grenades; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Fearless; Feel No Pain; Personal Icon; Mark of Nurgle; Rhino
1 Plague Champion @ [63] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Power Fist; Bolter; Blight Grenades; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Fearless; Feel No Pain; Mark of Nurgle
1 Rhino @ [35] Pts
Twin Linked Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers
2 Obliterators @ 150 Pts
Power Fist; Obliterator Weapons; Show Weapon Stats; Fearless; Lascannon; Linked Flamer; Linked Meltagun; Linked Plasmagun; Multi-Melta; Plasma Cannon; Slow and Purposeful
Total Roster Cost: 1849
We'll see what happens; regardless, I'll post some games.
Here are the pics.
Here's some closeups of the characters, primarily Abaddon. Goatboy requested a closer look.
Nope - he doesn't read this blog - I had to ask him to give his opinion via email.
Take care - Brent
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