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"If there is one thing we here at Privateer Press pride ourselves on, it's listening to our audience. You guys and gals have been d...
I've been working on a 1500 point Blood Angels army, but I needed something to try my new weathering tools out on, so I took this old Ch...
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This is from my Tuesday article on Bell of Lost Souls. In it I feature a video of my 4-year old nephew painting his first model - that...
Brent you probably said it in your BoLS post today, of you did I must have missed it when I read it, but where is this O_O cos it's fething epic
definitely epic. they make damn good terrain.
Shameless Plug - Oh No !!
Sabol Studios built and painted this terrain for Victor Hardy. We also had a huge version of this at Adepticon last year that won an award as seen on our website :
I wasn't aware of that!
I'll get the word our, Sabol Studios...
Thanks Brent !!
We could probably build a city from her to Austin if need be....
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