An Ewok Interlude
During my Cross-Circulation Geekdom Tour of 2010, when I visited the Dallas ComicCon with the Off Topical boys, there was one 15 minute period that made it all worthwhile. In that brief span of time we got to meet and take pictures with Admiral Adama and Kat from Battlestar Galactica - and that was very, very cool.
But my favorite moment had to be meeting Mike Edmonds, the dude who played Logray and Jaba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi. He was simply very, very cool. What's great is he got a kick out of watching us get a kick out of meeting him.
My brother asked him to make it out to Strictly Average - that made my week! |
This is Mike Edmonds inside the Jabba the Hutt mega-muppet. |
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