So here's the Brotherhood... but I no sooner finish than I'm back at it. This army is fun, but it doesn't have the necessary streamlining to compete at the highest levels. I need more options! My plan is to fill out the Grey Hunters to full 10-strong squads, then add more! More mech, more Troops, Thunder Wolves, and so on.
Hard Boyz is around the corner - I've got 500 more points to fill, minimum.
Comments Come Lately: Brent's a Bigot?
This is from my Tuesday article on Bell of Lost Souls. In it I feature a video of my 4-year old nephew painting his first model - that's what Hendarion is referring to in the opening salvo. It gets ugly and unnecessary.
Note Scadugenga brings up the same topic, sans threat of physical violence, and we have what I believe is a rational and interesting conversation. I only included part of it, nor did I include some other readers' contributions, but it's all available in the comment's section of the article. Anyway, read it and weep.
Note Scadugenga brings up the same topic, sans threat of physical violence, and we have what I believe is a rational and interesting conversation. I only included part of it, nor did I include some other readers' contributions, but it's all available in the comment's section of the article. Anyway, read it and weep.
Comments Come Lately
Goatboy Vs Brent, Extra Pics
Here are some extra photos from my game with Goatboy last weekend, so if you haven't seen the Video Battle Report over on Bell of Lost Souls... what are you waiting for?
I liked Goat's army a lot - it's really one of the few builds I've seen that I believe maximizes some of the most annoying characteristics of the book! |
The Brotherhood
Happy Birthday to Me... *sigh*
I took the afternoon off to play Confrontation with Little Barrera - I just couldn't stand the idea of working all day on my birthday.
I'm officially *SELF-EDIT* (Old.)
I'm on my way out now, but I thought I'd drop my birthday present to myself. The timing was good; Fedex knocked on my door this morning right before I took off for work.
I don't know why, but I was ridiculously taken with these, so picked up one of each on preorder...
Oh Great Dice Gawd,
Has Thy (un)Faithful Servant Purchased Enough?
I'm officially *SELF-EDIT* (Old.)
I'm on my way out now, but I thought I'd drop my birthday present to myself. The timing was good; Fedex knocked on my door this morning right before I took off for work.
I don't know why, but I was ridiculously taken with these, so picked up one of each on preorder...
Oh Great Dice Gawd,
Has Thy (un)Faithful Servant Purchased Enough?
For No Apparent Reason,
OffTopical Production Video (Rated R for Language)
Behind the scenes at OffTopical Podcast's Secret Studio
WARNING: Potty Language, Crude Humor (Which is the only way I like it.)
A few posts back, I talked about OffTopical, so when I published this video I figured it was high time to drop it on an unsuspecting wargaming public. This is pertinent, though, since OffTopical is awesome listening during painting sessions. The humor is Off and the skits are Topical - plus Top Dork makes for interesting trivia in categories you no doubt like too.
Basically, I took this footage during the production of Episode 17, Leftovers. The studio is usually kept dark, so it came out a bit grainy... and let's face it, the camera should have been set on a stand somewhere, but you get the idea.
In this skit, Sam Elliot and Samuel L. Jackson are promoting Weiner Pills.
Enjoy or not, your option!
Even When I'm Not Blogging... I Am
I'm not bored of blogging, I'm in a funk about gaming!
(Before Brent gets all whiny, you guys should really check out The Master Manipulator (every store needs one)'s Top Ten. The dude has worked a blog for a year now... and who thought it would last six months? Not this Green With Envy Topical Figmental. Here's to another year!)
Still, even when I'm not blogging I'm blogging. Tuesday's Bell article was pretty darn good, if I do say so myself:
Editorial: White Dwarf, or Not, Your Option
As of this moment, it hit 323 comments - and no, Louis, they weren't all me!
(Before Brent gets all whiny, you guys should really check out The Master Manipulator (every store needs one)'s Top Ten. The dude has worked a blog for a year now... and who thought it would last six months? Not this Green With Envy Topical Figmental. Here's to another year!)
Still, even when I'm not blogging I'm blogging. Tuesday's Bell article was pretty darn good, if I do say so myself:
Editorial: White Dwarf, or Not, Your Option
As of this moment, it hit 323 comments - and no, Louis, they weren't all me!
What Is OffTopical?
I've had the icon and link in my Glory Bar on the righthand side of Strictly Average, but I can't recall ever mentioning it. It's not related to the hobby, so I haven't pushed it.
OffTopical is a podcast dedicated topical conversation, glorious geekery, and crude humor. It's designed to follow a (relatively) fixed format and (hopefully) move along quickly. If you happen not to like a segment... just relax and let it happen.
It'll be over soon.
It goes a little something like this:
For No Apparent Reason,
Top X: Me and My Lauby
I have to say, Lauby from Lauby Industries and the House of Paincakes knows what it takes to make me a very happy man.
House of Paincakes
Massive WarGames Con Photo-DUMP!! Ewwww...
Thanks to everyone who commented and emailed regarding my illness-inspired return home; I'm almost to the point I can think about the weekend without breaking down into (very masculine) (not really) tears.
Not really, I'm still upset. There were a ton of Bloggers I was looking forward to meeting and it just didn't happen.
My coverage suffered too. I got a great start, including the photos I'm about to drop that on you, but I thought I'd take a moment and link the Hogs of War. They run a great blog, and it turns out they were in Austin in force - as evidenced by the amazing, ground-up coverage! A smaller blog, The 19th Legion, managed to turn out videos. Cheers to him for the initiative!
Without further ado...
WarGames Con 2011
Oh Unhappy, Aborted Trip!
Man, do I look forward to Wargames Con! It's by far my favorite Indy; it's competitive and well-run while still maintaining its laid back, Texas courtesy.
Also, I get to hang out with the BoLS crowd and meet fellow Bloggers face to face. As our community grows, so does name recognition... making me happier than ever I go by 'Brent.'
Just so you know, it's not a clever, internet nickname - it's my name. Brent.
There you go.
Also, I get to hang out with the BoLS crowd and meet fellow Bloggers face to face. As our community grows, so does name recognition... making me happier than ever I go by 'Brent.'
Just so you know, it's not a clever, internet nickname - it's my name. Brent.
There you go.
WarGames Con 2011
Sunday, Oh Sund - Wait... What? It's Monday?
Here I am again, dropping an update in passing. The Rune Casters are as done as I have the time for; there's plenty of room for improvements and extras I want to add - like... you know, runes - but it's enough for now.
The Brotherhood
Saturday, Oh Saturday, a Deadline I Have...
I'll be leaving next Thursday for Austin, and Wargames Con. Will the Brotherhood be prepared in time?
Damn well better, after all this!
Damn well better, after all this!
The Brotherhood
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