...to put yourself out there with a blog or videos. Check out this conversation from YouTube re: one of my videos.
So he hates my voice? No problem! So he hates my style? No problem! I care not one whit, truly I don't; he's lines on my computer screen. He might as well not exist for all the concern I'm wasting on him - I'll spend my time relating to any number of cool people I've met through the online application of this hobby.
Just remember this... DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!
EDIT Check out what someone just put up on YouTube! Comic genius (adults only, please)!
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Lol, I love your voice. Totally not what I expected, lol.
I've heard your voice numerous times on video batreps and such. I can honestly say I spent zero time deciding whether I liked it or not. I didn't notice, I was watching the vid.
What a goober.
Welcome to the interwebs!
"I couldn't see what was going on with all the reading." I suspect all the wanking is really what is making him blind.
Those of your batreps that I've seen have been really enjoyable, perhaps my favorite even. thanks for taking the time to put them together.
Chodeling FTW .
Hee !
ssshhhh........be vewy, vewy quite.....I'm hunting Bwent...
Not Brent, do you hate the sound of your own voice and does the sound of Brent's voice make you want to puke on his not dick?
Big Whit... don't talk to it - you'll just encourage it...
LOL, your voice is fine. Haterz.
Apparently you DO care what I think, since you went through the whole ordeal of copying the text and pasting it here. Lol can't believe you went out of your way to post this. Well, to be honest, you said you hated the sound of your own voice in that vid. I was just agreeing with ya...like claws on a chalk board.. And I did look at your other vids. None of them were inundated all the giant white block letter crap through the whole vid like this one did. Your other ones were passably watchable.
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