So, we're almost down to the wire! Here we are in Game 6 of WarGames Con, and as it turned out it would be Daemons vs Space Wolves in a fight for the center.
It's worth pointing out here that I mentioned this scenario and the controversy on the top tables in my super-awesome article for Blood of Kittens, The Strange Case of Michael Strange.
Go check it out, then come back.
I'm waiting.
CliffNotes: Forget Brent's stupid CliffNotes - go check out the House of Paincakes. Come back or not; your option!
Okay, so now you've got an idea what we were trying to accomplish. Basically, you had to control the center objective to obtain points and you'd win if you scored more than your opponent. My opponent had a well-rounded Space Wolves army and it included Drop Pods, so I knew how the game would play out. He'd grab the center and start collecting points - I'd have to shift him early enough, or it wouldn't matter how hard I put the boot to him, his head start would see him through to a win.
Everything depended on the center.
Still, even though I knew I'd be behind, I was feeling confident. My army, focused on one point on the board - hurrah!
A word on my opponent. He was a gentleman and a great joy to play. His army looked fantastic and was converted so all the models were female. Chicks with sticks! And guns.
I don't remember my opponent's name and I don't have my notes with me, so I hope he'll forgive me if he drops by.
Here we are. It really was a straightforward game. He dropped his Pods, circling the objective and surrounding it with Logan-ette and her many Marine-ettes. I dropped in, surrounding him and blasting away.
I didn't need to conserve my Troops - since I only needed one unit on the objective, so you see me screening my drop with Plaguebearers on my left flank. They're perfect for doing it, but for obvious reasons I rarely do so. The pictures speaks for themselves.
Not much to say. I loved this game and my opponent was a gracious player, but frankly everything played so much to my favor I knew it was my game to lose. I maxed out the points on this one and moved into the last game on Table 2.
'Course, I didn't realize it at the time! Turns out I was fighting for the top spot in the Sunday RTT. Game 7 would see me take on Aventine's Lamenters, which was a pretty perfect way to end the weekend.
To Be Continued.
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I've heard people bust some serious guts over female Marines before, but those look okay.
Had you been going first, would you have done something similar with walling off the objective, or gone for a different deployment? I've always been interested in how Daemons handle mostly-Reserved armies.
Can't wait for game 7! Hope you won't mind if I cross post it.
Keep in mind I couldn't really have done that - not in the same way at least - given my deployment.
He would have set up in his corner, I would have dropped in, then he could have effectively counter-attacked me with a strike from his corner plus his pods.
I much preferred to do the counter-striking!
Had I been forced to go first, my strategy would have been different.
Aventine: Of course! It's going to be long though - I've been processing the pictures and given the nature of the game, there's gonna be a big report!
Hi Brent, long time reader first time writer.
I too play daemons, though perhaps not as well as you. I had a thought about a different way to build heralds, and wondered what you thought.
4xHeralds of Tzeentch w/ Disc, Bolt, Master of Sorcery, We Are Legion
More pricy, but allows you to get the bolts you need on the board with more ease, as instead of taking up four places in a wave, it only takes up one.
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