Herr Fernseher here, Brent's lackey of late. Brent himself is currently playing game 5 on table 27. I have to say that the players on that side of the room seem like serious competitors. Tough lists, better rules knowledge than I saw yesterday, and a no-nonsense attitude. Anyone who understands the enjoyment that comes from a good challenge will know that these contestants must be having a great time, but you wouldn't know it to look at them.
The pace of the games here in the bottom 40 tables is less frantic. There are more rule checks and smiles over here. |
There is a player with "FORTUNE" writ large across the top of his army list. As an Eldar player, I cannot tell you how many times I have forgotten to use my fortune psychic power. That guy was in the bottom 40 when I saw him. I may have to go seek him out to see if he's been remembering to "fortune."
This squad is reminiscent of the Eldar army Brent brought to this Con. |
On the topic of seeking, I've been hunting a hunter...
Rumor has it there is absolute jerk in the tournament playing Space Wolves and rules-lawyering so badly, a judge had to camp out at his table for an entire game. I found several tables yesterday with wolves, but every table came with two player names. I jotted them all down. I need to go follow up on each name and eliminate the non-wolf half. I should have a couple of games this afternnoon (yes, it is a 3 game day) to find the jerk.

Brent and I started the weekend out joking about my free ride to this event (Thanks, Brent!) and how I should work it off, at first more my idea than his. (By now the joke is wearing a little thin for me, but trust Brent to ride a joke for every mile possible, and then beat it into the ground.) I can see how I would like to have a personal assistant in an event like this; I'm a huge help! Brent seems to be becoming so used to being served, that I am beginning to wonder how he's going to cope when I emancipate myself later tonight. I feel like I've been living a bad sitcom, like the one George and Jerry failed to sell to NBC on Seinfeld where George had to be someone's butler.
Sorry for the blurry pic, but you can see this is a nice army on a nice board. |
At the Doubles Tournament Friday there were some interesting explanations for some unlikely alliances. |
Narcissism Leads to Destruction. (Note the poisoned apple of the eye.) |
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