CliffNotes: Jeff comments and I respond. Fun!
Depending on how long you've been reading Strictly Average, you may or may not know that I sometimes delve into the crazy world of Video Battle Reports. Why? Why else? I want you to like 'em. Still, some of them are better than others, and ol' Jeff is right about one thing: the video he commented on sucks pretty hard. Still, I don't edit myself...
...well, except when I SELF-EDIT, but that has more to do with trying to make Ron's job easier than anything else.
Moving on, Jeff or ZatoichiBlindSword or Da Warboss or whatever he wants to be referred to in the Ol' Blogosphere stopped by to comment on the post. Here's what he had to say:
Apparently you DO care what I think, since you went through the whole ordeal of copying the text and pasting it here. Lol can't believe you went out of your way to post this. Well, to be honest, you said you hated the sound of your own voice in that vid. I was just agreeing with ya...like claws on a chalk board.. And I did look at your other vids. None of them were inundated all the giant white block letter crap through the whole vid like this one did. Your other ones were passably watchable.
Ha! Fun stuff!
Well, you've made my day commenting on this post, so kudos to you. Since you've taken the time to write, so will I.
Your opinion on my voice is a definite non-issue. Assuming I gave a shit (the word is warranted here), which I don't, what am I supposed to do about it? It's why I responded the way I did; it was meant to have a certain sarcastic flippancy.
I'll admit you're spot on regarding the overuse of text in that video. There was a lot wrong with that video and I caught quite a bit of criticism over it on Yes The Truth Hurts. Still, I ultimately learned a lot from it so I view it with a certain fondness.
I would have gone to much more trouble than I did if I'd have known it would solicit a response! 'Passably watchable' is a pretty funny line; that's damning with faint praise if I've ever seen it. That's a gem of a line and I'm going to steal it at some point.
Still, don't let it all go to your head. Copying that picture and writing that post was the work of minutes, nothing more, and I did it because I enjoyed mocking the seriousness of your advice. The whole thing struck me as funny and it still does.
I'll leave you with this: it's often hard to tell how serious someone is when all you've got is what they've written. I didn't choose to believe that your comments on that video were hateful, just perhaps a trifle blunt.
Just so we're clear, here's how I feel about the whole thing. The play of words amuses me. Human foible amuses me. This has given me plenty of both, so my thoughts on the subject are best described as gloriously entertained!
Think of it as...constructive criticism. I actually spent minutes of my life wading through that battle report trying to follow the action. So, I was interested enough to fight through it. You must be doing some things right. Others....
Lol - fair enough!
Ha! Fun stuff. Brent, when I return from holiday I can see I will have a fair bit of catching up to do, but it certainly won't be a chore. :)
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