I can understand that this was a free tournament, but with the money that was spent with airfare, hotel, and food I would have liked to have walked away with something other than a small patch. Last year everyone got a figurine, and they gave away a ton of prizes. I wouldn't have cared if someone else got a prize, it would have been nice just to see some people win something. I did have a great time meeting gamers, and enjoyed getting stomped, but I would not have gone knowing that the prize support was going to be crap. I'm sorry I did forget that the two guys that had a table fall over destroying there armys got some compensation prizes. Next year if I am lucky enough to make it to the big dance, I won't even consider going.
GW supports the Indy circuit, so it's willing to give away product as a loss-leader. I think someone dropped the ball on this one.
And some random pics...
Nick (Darkwynn), one of the Flylords from Austin, takes home first place.
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