
"Surgery Prepped and Ready..."

"Surgery prepped and ready..."

" ...sir."


Slaughter Brute for the Tim That Can

Short post; here's the Slaughter Brute I painted for the Tim That Can.

Speaking of, he just got back from Houston, all victorious from participating in the local scene.  Good on him!  I think it really raised the confidence he has in his game, so next week's tournament ought to be interesting.


Light and Dark Characters... So to Speak

I've been working on an army - finally!  It's been way too much fiddling with one-off miniatures, but I've broken through the block and taken the plunge.

But that's later.  Here's my version of Dante and Saint Celestine.


New Marine Pics... I Don't Get It. Seriously.

Okay, first up...

Ugh.  Maybe with their hats off..?