Feast of Blades: Saturday August 4, 2012
Registration starts at 9:30 am
Game time starts at 10:00 am
Painting points applied to event.
All players must turn in army list two days before tournament date to reserve your spot in the tournament.
Send all list to: info@galaxycomics.net.
Lists turned in on time will be billed the $10.00 entry fee.
Army list turned in after the deadline will not be guaranteed a spot in the tournament for spots are limited to 16 spots.
Lists not turned in on time will be billed $15.00 to enter.
All players must have a copy of their army list.
All players must have a copy of the army codex you are playing.
All players must have their own copy of the rule book, NO PDF.
All armies must be represented with what they are equipped with.
To obtain painting/base bonus army must have at least three colors in appropriate locations.(if applied)
All army list must have on them: Player Name, What Army You are Playing, e-mail address.
All winnings must be used up 30 days after end of event or you for-fit your prize winnings.
Can not use tournament winnings to pay for other events.
North Texas Feast of Blades Invitational!
Guess there's always the finals...
...but we have room for 16 and the expectation is we'll fill up.
Point is, send your list in now and secure your spot! Here's the info from Galaxy Books and Comics:
So, to be clear, if you're from Texas or Oklahoma and want a chance to A) win a ticket to the Feast of Blades Invitational (my personal favorite event last year) or B) just place in a fun tournament and try to embarrass the local sharks, then sign up now!
Send your list to info@galaxycomics.net - it's first come first serve! Also, feel free to cc me at Brent@strictlyaverage.com with the list and any questions you may have.
Feast of Blades 2012
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