A Decade of Pictures, Part 1: Find My Favorite
I've carried a camera to RTT's and local tournaments long before forums or blogging were popular - certainly longer than when I developed an Empty Digital Headache and foisted it on the unsuspecting public!
There are thousands - and I'm going to share them, good, bad, and indifferent. For Part 1, all I did was scroll through the library picking likely subjects...
...including my all-time favorite picture.
Never before seen! You'll smile and cringe at the same time.
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Lots of cool stuff, thanks for sharing!
Absolutely LOVE that Grot mek army - any more shots of that and/or any chance you could point us to the creator?
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I have to second the Brock Samson model. That's just hysterical! Cool pics, thanks for sharing!
Whaddaya know? I've actually seen one of those models in person.
It's like suddenly knowing your Bacon score.
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