This army is at the details stage, with the Flayed Ones requiring the most remaining work. Here's a few pics that includes some detail missing from the Work in Progress shots I took before the tournament this past weekend.
A storm lord of any stripe needs a lightning rod.
WarGames Con Witching Hour Update
Gak! It's already Saturday, and Lordy but I need some sleep!
Gauthic and I teamed up for the team tournament today under the name 'Not Another Grey Knights Army.' We weren't really prepared for this, since my partner was supposed to be the Card Pimp in Question. But he abandoned the cause, choosing his new job and existing relationship over a weekend trip to compete in an edition that will soon go the way of the Dodo.
Smart guy. Work and family come first. For my own part, this trip is on a shoestring budget...
Gauthic and I teamed up for the team tournament today under the name 'Not Another Grey Knights Army.' We weren't really prepared for this, since my partner was supposed to be the Card Pimp in Question. But he abandoned the cause, choosing his new job and existing relationship over a weekend trip to compete in an edition that will soon go the way of the Dodo.
Smart guy. Work and family come first. For my own part, this trip is on a shoestring budget...
More WiP Rusted Necrons... Night Before the Trip
It's a bit after midnight and I've got a full day of work before leaving tomorrow for Austin. So where am I at?
(PS: Overwatch, I'll be there this weekend, and in the tournament. That said... with the end of 5th my competitive spirit has suffered. That's reflected in the army I'm bringing, which is much more fluffy than fighty. Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting you - make sure you introduce yourself, man!)
So stippling my undercoat took longer than I wanted... and so did drybrushing the silver topcoat. I deviated greatly from Brian's recipe (see last post for the link) at this point, simply because my silver turned out much more pronounced! Truth be told, it wasn't what I intended.
(PS: Overwatch, I'll be there this weekend, and in the tournament. That said... with the end of 5th my competitive spirit has suffered. That's reflected in the army I'm bringing, which is much more fluffy than fighty. Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting you - make sure you introduce yourself, man!)
So stippling my undercoat took longer than I wanted... and so did drybrushing the silver topcoat. I deviated greatly from Brian's recipe (see last post for the link) at this point, simply because my silver turned out much more pronounced! Truth be told, it wasn't what I intended.
Rusted Necrons, Batch Painting for WarGames Con
Here's where I'm at... finishing the metal drybrush shouldn't take much more time, then it's on to washes, glows, and detailing.. The final steps will be airbrushed, with the exception of the Stormlord.
WiP: 2K Necrons for Wargames Con
If I don't make good progress today, I'm sunk! Luckily, I've been planning this out for months - it's just time to put my money where my mouth is.
So to speak. Let's walk through the process so far, and note I'm going to be using Brian's (A Gentleman's Ones) rust recipe, with some minor variations, so follow the LINK for a perusal then hurry back!
Cleaning: Many of the models had to be dropped in the bath...
So to speak. Let's walk through the process so far, and note I'm going to be using Brian's (A Gentleman's Ones) rust recipe, with some minor variations, so follow the LINK for a perusal then hurry back!
Cleaning: Many of the models had to be dropped in the bath...
The Heavy Flamers! (and Ferrus Manus too...)
Until then, here's a cool pic of Ferrus Manus - proxied as a Grey Knight at Adepticon, 'cause why not, said the new owner - and some super-awesome pics of the Heavy Flamers! Woot!
Freak Flex Paints - Transferring Bottles
Some pics from a video I'm working on. Basically, I'm transferring my Freak Flex airbrush paints - which are great - from the bottles they are in - which are horrible - to some bottles I bought at Michaels. Which are back to great... you get the idea!
Too Many Projects, Too Little Time
...and Wargames Con is just around the corner! Here's some of what I'm working on. When you get to the end, if you're thinking, "Boy, Brent's working on everything but what he should be finishing for the Con," then you're seeing clearly.
Quickie Orky Conversions...
So this week's Terrible Tuesday article covered spray paints, with next's week's planned to move on to air brushing.
Admittedly, with an air brush I'm still very much an amateur, but I'm learning! Generally speaking, right now I'm using spray paints for priming, air brushes for basic paint coverage, and traditional brushes for detail work. Much like learning any new skill, I'm taking a step back to take two forward.
Admittedly, with an air brush I'm still very much an amateur, but I'm learning! Generally speaking, right now I'm using spray paints for priming, air brushes for basic paint coverage, and traditional brushes for detail work. Much like learning any new skill, I'm taking a step back to take two forward.
Necro-Nid WiP... (BioPsychoAntiSocial)
I've been dropping shots of my work in progress 'Necro-Nid,' but after talking to Everyone Brother From Another Mother Big Whit on Friday, I realized it's a bit difficult to tell where I'm going with it.
This will correct that.
You see, his 'head' is meant to be a hologram projector, where this piece - from Greenman Designs Inc - will fit in, my homage to RoboCop II.
This will correct that.
You see, his 'head' is meant to be a hologram projector, where this piece - from Greenman Designs Inc - will fit in, my homage to RoboCop II.
Nothing to See Here! (WarGames Con Prep)
I'm generally unworried about the type and frequency of content here on Strictly Average; my 'serious' blogging commitment is the BoLS Terrible Tuesday series...
...but this week even that wasn't available!
It's a short week at work, a holiday week, and I'm driving myself in the evenings with learning my airbrush.
I have to say, much of that is learning to mix the colors and keep them thin. That, and cleaning the airbrush. Over and over. It'll get easier, I'm thinking. Almost has to.
Anyway, if anyone has any good, basic links I'm all for it. Help an Empty Digital Headache out!
(Since I don't like to post without pics, here's some stuff for my Warhammer Beastmen army.)
...but this week even that wasn't available!
It's a short week at work, a holiday week, and I'm driving myself in the evenings with learning my airbrush.
I have to say, much of that is learning to mix the colors and keep them thin. That, and cleaning the airbrush. Over and over. It'll get easier, I'm thinking. Almost has to.
Anyway, if anyone has any good, basic links I'm all for it. Help an Empty Digital Headache out!
(Since I don't like to post without pics, here's some stuff for my Warhammer Beastmen army.)