
Necro-Nid WiP... (BioPsychoAntiSocial)

I've been dropping shots of my work in progress 'Necro-Nid,' but after talking to Everyone Brother From Another Mother Big Whit on Friday, I realized it's a bit difficult to tell where I'm going with it.

This will correct that.

You see, his 'head' is meant to be a hologram projector, where this piece - from Greenman Designs Inc - will fit in, my homage to RoboCop II.

I've done as much with the airbrush as I can - later today, I'll start the brushwork.

So far, my favorite part is the rust work, which came out better than I could have hoped.

Here's the full model - there will be another plastic bit at the end of his tail, but I'm not done working with that component.  It will be some form of 'control box.'

Anyway, I hope some of you in the audience dig the direction this model is going; I'm aware some of you won't... and that's a very Strictly Average hallmark!

(As an aside, I'm calling it the BioPsychoAntiSocial; a reflection of my day job.)


  1. Anybody who doesn't enjoy this a little doesn't enjoy creativity. This is super unique and I look forward to seeing the rest!
