Yup, I'm on a losing streak! Exciting stuff, that!
I mentioned in a previous post that I've been playing a lot of City Fight with a lot of different armies - and just having a blast! Naturally I took way too many pictures, but rather than let them get lost in other content I decided to drop a summary of...
...Brent's Losing Streak!
*key creepy music*
Ah, Brotherhood Fangs overlooking the field... what could go wrong? |
MORE for... well, more...
Bjorn the Fell Claw, the Ever-Ready Brotherhood Dreadnought, leads a strike force against the Necrons... |
...and promptly gets swarmed by Scarabs! Ultimately, the bugs only managed to drop Bjorn's armor by one point... but how important a point! Huge difference between 13 and 12, 10 and 9! |
Bjorn has a dirty little secret... naughty bugger that he is.
The C'Tan Shard's Writhing Worldscape really hampered movement. It's hard to get where you need to go when you risk disaster in every movement phase. |
Ah, a really expensive unit led by a Mini-Lord... I'll shoot it and drop them all! 'Cept the Mini-Lord is added through the Court, so they're not really gone - and three of them stand back up. Doh! |
* * *
Here I'm playing Sam I Am's Orks, and it started well enough. I blocked his avenue of attack and put a hurt on him. |
Then he started blowing stuff up. Uh, oh! |
Bjorn the Fell-Claw to the rescue! |
Then he gets rammed. He Death and Glory strikes, but only rolls a 2. Not sure that was equal to 2d6 Str Really High hits from a giant rolling pin. |
I need to take what? |
* * *
Ah, Dark Eldar! I played a Dread Stomp with a Mini-Rock in Raider for Counter Assaults as needed. This was the high point of my game. He fails his assault on the Raider... |
...and I toast a bunch of Wytches! No save for you! HA HA HA! |
Then he starts blowing stuff up - like my Land Raider. Is that a Talos? Say goodbye. |
* * *
Wow! It's Big Whit, Everybody's Brother From Another Mother! Man but do I miss this dude - he's been out dating 20-year olds... not sure why he's been missing 40K for that. He's busted out his Necrons... |
...but he got his Warriors and Immortals entirely too close. I assault charge with the Mini-Rock, splitting the Master of the Forge away from the Vanguard and double charging the units... seeing them both off! |
Necrons - not so hot in close combat - with the exception of some units, like Wraiths. These held up two Dreadnoughts for most of the game. |
His Destroyers flitted around, doing damage. They ultimately made the MotF and Vanguards pay for the temerity of pointing out a weakness in the line... Still, I thought the Destroyer Lord could have been better served serving up Dreadnoughts in Close Combat. |
Ulimately, I won the game against Big Whit - but I don't count that. His dice suffer every time he plays me.
Which I think is really funny. Him? Not so much.
He should microwave them.
I played one more game with Marines before making the switch to the Bugs!...
*To Be Continued*
Merry Christmas Brent! Hope you have a wonderful day with your wife, family, friends, minions and/or miniatures. We love you.
Merry merry, Brent.
Nice to see you losing to the Xenos.
Holiday hugs and gropings!
Merry Christmas, guys!
And it's going to be a Xenos New Year..!
That should make you happy, Synn. :)
New to the site, really like the scenery, and the close quarter combat. Never actually played a city fight, but looks like it would be a blast, I have always hated the barren tables, the more terrain the better!!
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