Blogging and Photography Blurb
I've got quite a bit on my painting table at the moment. I've got Bugs! and Necrons for myself (it's a Xenos New Year!), Grey Knights for the Client Pimp in Question, and the odd model to pick up while the washes dry...
This bad boy is one of the latter.
Have you seen this man? Sadly, this is the picture I'm happiest with - gloriously-not-really-representing the actual model. I don't paint in Sepia. |
This is the actual print, so to speak; no flash, minor adjustments. But for some reason this model just doesn't like to have its picture taken! Believe it - this doesn't really capture any detail. I suspect it's a tone issue or something. |
I was trying to adjust all those darn settings, and it just got more and more out there. Although this is kind of a creepy picture... |
This is a post that isn't really going anywhere - it just represents where my Empty Digital Headache is at right now.
Is anyone else really annoyed by the PC Matic commercials?
Spell that S-K-Y-N-E-T.
Back to Grey Knights!
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Happy Xenos New Year, Brent!
Sure you couldn't squeeze any pink and/or purple onto that model?
...and then you went and ruined by saying 'back to Grey Knights!'
Hugs and Gropings for the green text....
The Grey Knights are for the Client Pimp in Question!
And Dark Eldar, whilst still maintaining a modest staff of barely legal psyker goth chiks, don't much go for pink.
Purple is okay, as long as it's Terrifying Purple.
They've got that last trademarked, so don't use it...
Same lame joke twice in a row? Weak.
Also, you two homos should just get a hotel room and lather each other up. It is gross.
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