I'm feeling very French today.
*le sigh*
Apathy. Uh.
You know, I've never really understood the moods the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) and Little Barrera go through with miniature games - over the past few decades, I'm almost always interested.
Not so much, since Feast. It's a combination of things, including the weather change and a busy work schedule.
I've tried to fight it. Let's see what I've been (forcing) working on:
I cleaned my workspace - then I needed something to work on (that wasn't a Brotherhood model). I decided to try blocking out colors on some models that are sitting on my desk.
Still a ways to go. I've got the metal to work, next, then I'll officially begin painting it.
Not sure what that means. Not sure of anything. Apathy, my apathy.
I'm repairing a model's base...
Not done here yet either.
I threw together a list for City Fight...
I actually think it would be a fun list to play...
...but I'm sure it requires some sort of effort.
And I don't wanna.
*le sigh*
Je n'ai pas veux
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I can feel ya Brent. IF you are curious what happens with me...take a look in your closet. Count the games I have talked you into buying into and we don't play often.
That is what happens when I get into those moods. I get bored or tired of 40K and it leads me to one of my other games. Since I am not really bored with 40K, that other game does not help. That leads me to start looking at new games. Guess what, that new game normally does not help a lot because, I am not really bored of 40K.
What I have realized recently, and I do mean recently, is that most of the time I just need to stop. Stop working on models, stop looking for something new, stop playing. Let my attitude get to center for a few weeks and then normally all is good.
Although, lately I have had the urge, but my room is a mess and I have no time. Go figure.
I get t5his too. Basically, any time I don't blog for over a week, that's what's happening...which, yeah, is frequent, and often.
I blame real life, but the truth is that I could find the time if I could find the interest.
The most important thing is to keep your toe in so you find it easier to return when the interest returns...Chatbawx is perfect for this. :)
I get this more often than I want to admit. It helps that I work at a game store full of different games to keep me somewhat distracted.
I've felt your pain but not right now...I've GK to pant and play with.
I want to do 'pretty army' next year.
I want to work on my Confrontation Orcs too.
I just don't have any space right now.
Then there is the dual pally Drago list I'm thinking of putting together to go with my purifiers.
My DE need paint and a re-work.
See that's how it happens. Project overload.
A lot of times, getting away from what you are currently working on (brotherhood) and doing a one-off start to finish as a change of pace can help.
Apathy derives from greek, wich is 'Απάθεια'. And french wotn say 'le sigh' they are gonna say something liek 'merde'=shit/fuck :p .
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