Ah, yet another edition of Comments Come Lately, and as is usual, this one is lifted from Tuesday's Bell of Lost Soul's article: Beating a Dead Horse's Potty Mouth Off At Me, Please
I'd say it's a classic, but a class 'what' would be the question.
Vossl and I exchange pleasantries, and I'm sure I've won a new fan!
Notice the restraint? I didn't employ a gratuitous use of the word 'choke,' even though the setup was right there... right there!
I'm a model of good taste I am.
Still and all, even though the dude managed to trip my filter, he does make a valid point. 'Counts-As' is overplayed... partly thanks to me... and I'm sick of talking about it.
It is what it is, and what it is ain't going anywhere.
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It takes a big man to admit when he's over talked something. I'm just not sure if this article counts as apology or defeat? J/K
Me likey. Keep posting!
Brent you are doing good things, don't stop!
Voss should do as I do, if I am not interested in the title of a post, I don't read it. Why spend the time reading something that you are not interested in/sick of reading about? and then spend the energy writing that you are sick of reading about it......./facepalm
Whoa whoa whoa Crimsonshark! That almost sounded like logic on the internet...I'm gonna have to ask you to stop that immediately.
Vossl is worthless.
Remember Brent, it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong...and an even bigger man to laugh at the first man. Except on the internet.
Man, I didn't get my float done in time for the Crap Parade.
Your articles are crap and your mother dresses you funny.
Sorry OverCaffeinated It is a curse that I am stuck living with, I will try to contain it as best I can, how about this...
Vossl should just shut it, I think I hear his mom calling, apparently he has not cleaned the Cheetos off the couch in the basement and that he spilled his Mountain Dew as well.
How was that? more Interwebz ish?
I am trying to kick the Logic habit but it is difficult....
Why do I think that Brent is bringing his COUNTS AS army to wgc this year ??
It's your article, write what you want. If people don't want to read it that's their prerogative. If they don't want to read it but still do well that's just stupid.
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