Okay, so I believe I've finished putting together all the models for my 2K Brotherhood list. It's a Loga... er.., Drogan? Hogan?
What the heck should I name my Counts-As Logan?
(Missing a Storm Bolter there, aren't you?)
Bah! Moving on, I finished the Rune Priests:
The Brotherhood is a collection of Warbands led by anarchic opportunists, the Warlords. Originally I'd thought the Rune Priests would each be individual Warlords, much like whatever the hell his name is above, but the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea of treating them like an uber-Warband.
So these three are brothers, and each of them has taken on a Skull Totem infused with power. I'll go into more detail for the fluff - since that's worth points at Wargames Con, don't you know? Suffice it to say, I wanted them to share a unique look - like the other Warbands - but remain somewhat individual, given their unique status.
As a side note and practically speaking, the Skull Totems will make the Chooser of the Slain for each easy to pick out on the board, since the they'll match.
Okay, on to painting. Three weeks and counting!
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Slogan Mechdar.
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remind sme of a chaos army. Will they have dyson storm buster rhinos?
well played sir, well played.
Lord Jawaballs?
For whatever reason, you only ever get to use one Chooser of the Slain, so there's no reason to make or buy three of them.
Why do you say that, MasterSlowPoke? What am I missing?
"An army that includes a Chooser of the Slain may place a Chooser marker..."
Use of army and the singular a means that no matter how many CotSs you have, you only place a single Chooser marker. It's dumb, blame Phil Kelly.
At least it makes it easier to give different wargear to your three rune priests. :/ I think they all benefit from the single marker, though.
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