Oh, Jason.
Turns out today is Friday the 13th. Who knew?
In honor of the occasion... does anyone else think Blogger's Crash is a worldwide conspiracy started by Games Workshop to target blogs carrying rumors of the new Sisters of Battle Minidex in White Dwarf?
I think they did it.
Sorry - losing time again.
As I was saying, check out this week's Lauby-less Top X. I let Loquacious do all the work, and now she's missing.
GW could be responsible for that, too.
Sorry - not sure what's happening today. I started writing this post as an update on my Bugs! list. Here's my work desk on Monday.
And here's my work desk today.
I need to do something to shake things up for awhile...
...check back tomorrow!
When does the allen wrench come into play?
@ SAJ: have you seen those tyranid models? I think they need screws or bolts to hold them together...
@SAJ: When DOESN'T the allen wrench come into play?
You guys notice the allen wrench but not all those Genestealer Hybrids? Its awesome to see those guys in numbers!
Brent- use your internet celebrity status to make GW bring back the hybrids!!!
Is this what they look like before they go into the bag?
At least your desk is marginally tidier than my 'in progress' tray.....
That's nothing. I have bug bits coming out my arse.
@ Purgatus - I believe there are now soothing ointments available for that particular complaint...
Brent, so THIS is why I got all those emails asking if I was dead... =p
Is that a bottle of Accelerator next to the bottle of glue I see? I love the stuff, but I constantly knock it over.
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