THIS being the week's Friday Night Internet Fights, that most glorious of long-standing Blogosphere traditions...
...and no, it doesn't take much to be long-standing; things move fast online.
Point being, when someone said, "Hey, did you know you were on Friday Night Internet Fights?" last night, I admit I was scared.
Does that make me less of a man? (Yup.)
Go check it out folks. If you feel the burning desire to vote for me, go for it! Then you'll probably want to visit your doctor and get tested. (Do they still use a giant Q-Tip?)
By the way, what's with the Avatar you used? There's no resemblance there, I assure you. Here's what I look like, captured in a moment of obvious surprise.
Blah, blah, blah. Here's my mug.
I think there needs to be some sort of tally to see who's the most 'popular' entrant of FNIF...you've gotta be up there!
lol, brent looks like a cool guy to me. And being scared doesn't make you less of a man, everyone gets scared silly.
I think it would either be TKE or Nikepheros, seems like one or the other of them is in every edition.
You're right though, Brent has to be up there. I've never been in one...I'm kinda proud of that.
1. I feel the resemblance w/ the avatar is uncanny
2. Brent surely is among the elite group that appears pretty regularly on FNIF- although if you really think about it, complete villains probably own the most appearances- seriously look how often some of the people fighting for the side of darkness show up and it's scary
You know the term crazy eyes? Well, Donnie had 'em. Brent does too.
Honestly that was one of the top three funniest FNIF I've read in a long time. Good to see there is still chaos on the internet.
Shockingly, I've only featured twice, and once was intentional. lol
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