Protectorate of Menoth, 25Pt. List (and other pics)
Just a couple of random pictures to share today.
My current 25pt army. I'm extremely satisfied with it: it has defensive and offensive weapons, great synergy, and a nifty Feat turn. |
As I've mentioned, we're all new to Warmachine, so any experienced player out there, feel free to critique.
The MM(esno)'s current terrain project; there are 3 stages here. |
Evil Homer is an evil genius. He's a trade monster; I imagine Barter Town fears him. Still, I'm beginning to wonder if maybe he's not completely insane. |
Little Barrera's frozen troll critter. |
Sam-I-Am's Fury Hoarder... he's in an upcoming episode of the show, I think. |
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Win-Win the best kind of deal.
bye the way, I'm not insane. I have a healthy control over my hobby now, more so than ever before. Don't be afraid of letting go, the toys won't hurt you if you find them a new home.
Like Woody and Buzz, they just want to be played with, and if you can't give them the attention they need they might turn ugly. As long as you don't write your name on their feet your safe. If you do then your stuck with them.
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