Why isn't GW doing something like this?
Privateer Press is doing a series of linked campaigns... and supporting it with rules! As you can see in the picture, I have a campaign tracker, a booklet to document my progress and upgrades, and a campaign card to augment my army with. The winner gets a nifty coin but all the participants will get a badge. The badges link with other campaign badges to form a larger emblem...
...and doesn't that appeal to the ruthless collector in all of us?
The Master Manipulator (every store needs one) ordered this set for us at Privateer Press. It cost our FLGS owner a bit of out of pocket money, but he made that up when we all kicked forward our $10 bucks to participate. We're going to have a month of gaming followed by a tournament... *trademark infringement alert* and there can be only one!
What's not to like?
Now yes, I'm aware GW has done campaigns in the past, but haven't those been huge, sprawling, world-wide affairs? Yes, I'm aware they've released supplements where you can create maps to fight over, and that's all to the good...
...so why am I so excited about this? Why do I feel like it's different?
You tell me.
PS: As an aside, this is Strictly Average's 450th post. Not bad for a personality-centered hobby blog, huh?
PPS: I've decided to do a contest or drawing of some kind when I hit 300 Google Followers. Details to come - this is just a sneak preview type of thing!
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I think it is the journal and stamp system. I haven't been this excited about a league in a while (and I am a PG).
Games Workshop had a period where they released campaign packs containing a selfstyled campaign between two races, rules for the characters and some cardboard buildings.
It was mainly fantasy, but I think they made a piscina 4 campaign pack for orks and dark angels.
GW did have one "huge, sprawling, world-wide affair" in the Eye of Terror campaign.
Games Workshop have done a few. The Eye of Terror, Storm of Chaos, and The Fall of Medusa V come to mind. Its a shame they stopped doing things like that, even though I wasn't playing at the time, they were fun to read and check ou the pictures for.
The stam/packet system reminds me of when I used to play Pokemon back in my younger years, I think its a good move on PP's part.
I recall the war for Armageddon. That looked like such fun. Pity that the major campains always end the same.
Take a look at the 13th Black Crusade, Chaos kicked the door in on Cadia and burned it to the ground, yet due to the realization that Cadian models made up the majority of the sales for IG, Chaos had to except a "Draw" and a pat on the back.
On the good side of that conflict the only army to accomplish their goals were the Eldar and do you know what they got. A dead Eldrad!!!
GW dick moved the official Dick mover of the 40k universe.
Now what did that teach us. Never try to win a GW campaign.
The minute your Everchosen Lord of Chaos is about to smite the human God in unholy glory an ork is just going to headbutt him in the face.
@ Quaad - the Campaign Packs were in my opinion excellent little suppelements, especially since they had storylines and character choices for alternative antagonists (I know Circle of Blood had Empire and maybe High Elves, and I'm pretty sure Idol of Gork had Dwarfs and Bretonnians). I'm just sad they never did a Chaos one...
This is also a world wide sprawling thing because the Master Manipulator will report battles to the official Map and it will show which faction is winning on the map parts. Also, they have special bonuses if your faction is currently winning! It cemented my decision to shelve my GW products and focus on PP games.
I was always s fan of the GW way of doing a campaign or really any way that doesn't make feel like I should ell, "Cryxachu I choose you!" in order to participate. I can tell you that the vibe around PP headquarters (in beautiful Western Washington) is definitely against the slightly ridiculous concept of collecting stamps in a "battle journal." Worst part for me is that to just go full blown retard and give us battle badges would probably be found hilarious by all including me.
Oh well, c'est la vie.
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