Hello, hello! Today on Honoring Battleforce Armies the Strictly Average Edition tm, we look at that most unimpressive of races, the Necrons.
Yes, the Necrons - proof GW should release yearly updates in order to sell more models. Hell, we'll settle for every three years, won't we boys and girls! Every five?
This army was painted in one week - gasp! One week? Yes, one week! It was painted in one week by Brent, our hero, preferred two-to-one over Not Brent in an absolutely scientific poll conducted by Dethtron.
We love Dethtron here at Honoring Battleforce Armies, the Strictly Average Edition tm. You should love anyone who's made a name for himself mocking everyone in long, involved parodies called Friday Night Fights. That's obviously a dude who'll take the time to put the boot to you but good. In an internet-oriented, trolling sorta way, of course - but dead is dead is dead.
Is dead. Here's the army.
(Hey Bob, where's the Monolith? Whadda'ya mean, you don't know? This is such a chickenshit operation - cut to camera two.)
That's right, including the Monolith - and wasn't that a great model, boys and girls? - this army is exactly 1850 points. Or was that 2000? Ah, what does it matter, it's a self-contained army!
So, how effective is it?
Mmm... let's appreciate the subtle green glow cast by the gauss weapons!
So how effective is it?
Er... boy, this whole army was painted in a week!
So how effective is the army?
Not very. It's a hobby army! Well, no it wasn't meant to be a hobby army. What's your point?
(The Point? To be continued...)
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... my point is, if you do not win then you must have done something very wrong and I have done something very right.
Can you expand on your thought? I'm really not sure what you mean, Grim!
I did okay with my 'Crons, but it was never an army I used much.
Part of the problem is the composition, which is what Part 2 is about.
Is that one squad made up of Space Crusade necrons? I hope they're your counts-as Immortals because they deserve it. Nice looking army for only one week of effort, too bad they didn't perform as well as you would have liked. I stopped working on Necrons about 1200 points into my army, but in my case I burned out on the painting. I wasn't trying to take shortcuts and after a while just couldn't paint anymore of them.
In case you are interested for demographic purposes, I am one of those who voted Not Brent in Dethtron's poll. I regretted my vote at first but then felt okay about it after your self-promotional campaign set in. I am however one of the apparent few who liked your stormraven, if that softens the pain any.
"Is dead" is one of the more succinct transitions--and appropriate for Necrons--I've ever read.
That's why I read Strictly Average's entries on boring topics (Necrons)--even boring can be done with style!
What year did you start this army?
This post tastes like Kool Aid. ;)
Loving the Chaos Androids as Necron Warriors, kinda. Well, I love that you are using them, just not the way you've put the crappy translucent plastic in. :)
Shame about the broken lord. :(
Paintjob seems pretty nice too.
That's okay Papa. The important thing was having folks vote at all, thus the whole advertising blitz.
Dethtron put up that poll 2 days after the normal Friday Night Fight poll - my goal was to beat it in numbers. I wanted more voters and almost got them. I overtook that poll briefly but it wasn't to be.
I think all the cool kids voted Not Brent. Chumby did, darn it all.
Still, it's better they're talking about you than not talking about you.
King: Man you're good! Yea, the whole Kook Aid comment inspired this post. (Man, that bummed me out - where did he get that, I wonder?) I thought I'd bring up the past, when I did drink the Kool Aid...
I like cherry Kool-Aid.
Not Brent has nicer Necrons. With Nightbringer. And Pariahs. On second though, forget the Necrons.
every time you say Dethtron an angel gets its wings...and my google alerts gets a boner..
I actually thought of picking up 'crons when i first got back into the hobby back in aught six since they looked easy to paint. very glad i didn't go with them
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