Let's look at a good example of tank shock, probably the most underutilized tool in current 40K. I was playing Evil Homer, my nemesis and sometime-cohort-in-crime, Daemons Vs Guard (and the Video Battle Report is out this week!) and I'd Stunned his Banewolves - they could move but couldn't shoot, if I've mixed up the terminology again - so here's what he did.
He Tank-Shocked the unit into a nice little grouping, setting them up for multiple Manticore and template shots. Note how his line took away my choice; he wanted me further away from my left flank, so hit me with the tank you see to the right. As I had to move out of the way in the shortest distance, he grouped me and controlled the direction to which I could legally move.
Now, I'm new to Tank Shock, in that I've never really started using it. I sent a letter to Fritz and his reply got me thinking. So, help me out folks -
What's your Tank Shock strategy or story?
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The Tactica Imperialis recommends using completed tanks before tank shocking the enemy!
Remember that you if you pass your morale test you only move models which are displaced by the final position of the tank. So it is great for grouping for templates launched from the tank or disembarked riders.
It is not so good for setting up the unit for blast based attacks since your tank has to be sitting next to the unit so better hope no bad scatter.
Stelek - I'm pretty sure you're right. I've always believed a painted unit was a luckier unit... and my friends think I microwave my dice, that's how lucky I am.
Eric - thanks for the heads up. I'll have to take a closer look, since I'd thought you had to get out of the path... that's how we played it in this example.
That's why this site isn't called Totally Awesome.
Those used in the example were last edition's tank shock rules if I recall.
Yeah, tank shock for Manticore shots is a fairly ballsy move, since it's hard to herd the enemy and not be in danger of taking S10 on your own guys. Now for templates, tank shock is pretty awesome.
Unless I missed something in the change from 4th to 5th, I think he did it wrong. You only move models if they are in the final location of the vehicle. From that pic it looks like you may have been duped.
I looked it up and you all are correct. We played it incorrectly.
In the example above I was really just trying to get my banewolves across the table as they could not shoot that turn. The plague bearers happened to be in the way and needed to move.
On another note the model is now put together, it finished assembly Monday night, just in time for my game with Whit on Tuesday.
Of course they probably won't make my tournament list this month if I can get my heavy weapons teams assembled but if I can't they are ready to go.
Up until recently, I'd never really used it even though I play mech guard. Then, after reading about it on a blog, I used it in turn 7 to tank shock 3 squads of death guard off 3 objectives to win a game.
Tank shocking with a valk can really upset your oppenent!
On the painted models thing, I've discovered that whenever I field unpainted models, then end up getting broken. I've only done it 3 times and I'm not doing it again!
It's useful to grab objectives that are held by troops on foot.
twitter: rpthomps
1) Col. Corbane, sorry to inform you, but Tank-Shocking with Valks/Vendettas is even more illegal than the misunderstanding of the example above - they aren't Tanks.
2) Brent 'Look who's Blogging again'? lol
Really, so how does Fritz do it with his skimmers? or am I missing something?
eldar skimmers are Tanks. Valks/Vendettas are not. The Eldar skimmers have the Tank attribute.
Well, you learn something everyday. Thanks for the heads up guys.
I never used tank shock myself until I got moved off of an objective in the last turn of a tournament match.
I used it this last tournament on an ork player to keep him back from contesting. I dumped a unit onto the objective were I was parked and sent the rhino up to shock and block. The great thing was that he failed his leadership test used the bosspole and failed again.
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