I got a call last night from Little Barrera, fresh from his tournament win on Saturday with his Space Wolves... and as an aside, it's a pretty sure bet that in two weeks I'll have to try to knock him off the track for winning our local tournament, but I digress. Anyway, one of the Dallas Games Workshop stores is promoting a painting competition with a unique twist.
You pick a Chapter from the poster, every Chapter can only be picked once, and paint up 4 Marines from said Chapter; in addition, you paint 1 Marine from a Chapter of your own design. There are some interesting prizes, but let's face it, the challenge is the thing, am I right?
So, who's involved? Little Barrera, the Master Manipulator (every store needs one), the Mighty Mighty Carlos, and me. Check out what we each picked: spot a theme?
None of us were involved in the decision of the other, but we each picked a unique, challenging theme. The Imperial Fists are a fan-favorite, and everyone knows yellow is a challenging color to paint. Two of us picked quartered themes while the last is a split-theme. None of the schemes are dark and all will look great when painted.
So I picked Nova Marines, Little Barrera went with Storm Lords, the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) decided on Howling Griffons, and the Mighty Mighty Carlos had no choice but for Imperial Fists... 'cause he has an army already.
I'm going to have to work hard on this one, being that I'm the weakest of the four painters - one's an artist, one's a prodigy, one's a mad-technician... then there's me, Strictly Average. I ain't gonna put in a poor showing.
I guess the only question is... what to do with the Chapter of my choice?
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1st make sure you get the nova color right. The pic makes it look like a tan-grey the original heavy metal painted marine is definitely bone. Maybe split the difference and go with Vallejo Deck Tan for for light half. It should match your pic pretty close and covers really well. Of the two schemes I prefer the one pictured.
2nd-keep in mind the Nova's have a good bit of fluff for a non-big 4
3rd-Novas are an Ultramarine successor so there is a good place to start for iconography. I would imagine codex markings are a good place to start.
Thanks for the tip Homer, but let me make sure I understand, since I've been thinking about paint schemes all day...
Is it brown-scale or grey-scale tones?
depends on whether you go for the Pic or the actual heavy metal model. The model is bone and blue. Mikey has a copy of Insignium Astartes which I think also has them as bone and blue.
More modern rendering such as in how to paint space marines have sent the color much more khaki-grey than the original bone.
I think a khaki-grey would be about perfect given the more modern renderings, and vallejo's deck tan, while a little light, would work in pinch in a base and wash application.
For a layered application I would start brown and work towards khaki and stop there.
I've painted nearly 3k worth of Imperial Fists so here's how I did mine.
* Undercoat white, make sure no patches!
* Two coats of golden yellow
* Gryphonne sepia wash
That's it! And folks say you need to build it up with brown...
I think they are talking about the bone color for the nova marines Mercer not the imperial fists.
As a side note I think there is a difference between getting yellow to table top standard and getting a good shaded clean looking yellow that is a competition quality. The recipe you state just won't hold up against someone who actually works at the yellow.
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