And who says you don't learn useful skills as a gamer? As some of you know, I'm a graduating senior this year, so there's a huge amount of work I have to get done. I have an internship at the North Texas State Hospital, for which I'm very grateful; between that, classes, and work, I've been busier than I'd like.
It's one of the reasons my website,, is on hold. I'll hopefully find time to get it up and running soon. Anyway, spring break is next week; before then, I've got a major presentation to give before the College Council tomorrow. They're a group of faculty and students who are going to choose the presenter to represent the school in a competition. I'm in the running with a research project I'm calling 'Pain and Perception' - and here's the backboard I'm building. It's not quite done, but the geek-skills I've built up over the years translated pretty well.
As I read this over, it came across as a tad ungrateful, so I went back and edited it some. I realize I'm lucky to be where I'm at right now, busy or not. Anyway, what do you guys think?
Wish me luck - Brent
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