Dirty, Dirty Secret - Don't Look!
(Pssst! This is a cute, gamer-girl, totally nude with only a camera... but I know none of you are interested in that. Instead, I've got pictures of Brent's gameroom, newly cleaned. Except for the closet, packed to the ceiling with more game geekery, but let's avoid that. Instead, let's find out if the rumors are true. Is Brent really, truly stalking Jawaballs?)
(Strangely enough, Brent's long-suffering wife is annoyed he still hasn't hung curtains in this, the only room he's allowed to do with as he pleases. Strange woman.) (All that crap, packed away... but what's that on the white board?)


...warn him - before it's too late.
Strictly Average: Stalking Jawaballs since 2009.
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Number four on the list should be bumped up to number 1!!!!
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