Spoiler Alert... the video you're about to see has a completely one-sided victory. To me, this battle represented a summation of the 5th Edition vs 4th Edition style lists argument; for that reason, I think it's interesting.
EDIT: I'm receiving reports of the video-embed on this blog not working. I'm not sure what the cause is, but here's a link if you run in to this problem.
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As I mention in the video I think his list has correct elements for 5th ed. play but does have some mis-spent points on wargear. Crisis suits in a good configuration. Both broadsides and a Hammerhead, the unit of pathfinders might be a bit much at this point value but he did it right by putting the compulsory Firewarrior choice in their Devilfish. Outflanking the Kroot was not a good idea IMHO.
His bunched deployed left me a nice juicy target for my Manties. My burgling 1st turn only made the situation worse for him.
It's hard not to table Tau with IG, unless you're on planet Cinderblock. In 4e, Tau could JSJ and other tricks to stay alive, but in 5e they're outgunned and overmatched, even more so once the Railheads and Broadsides get neutralized. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and 4+ saves aren't going to keep vehicles useful for very long (and won't help at all against Meltas and Vendettas moving up close).
Stealing the initiative was funny, but it hard matters against Tau, and didn't change the expected outcome.
Yeah, yeah, I know there are people who say Tau are awesome, and if you played against good Tau armies/players, you'd feel differently. Only on planet Cinderblock. Normal 40K terrain that obscures but only rarely hides vehicles the size of Hammerheads and Tau are just so many crying Xenos.
I actually have to agree with JWolf on this one.
I've seen the many articles of effective Tau builds and they still don't leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy about it. Stelek has a 1500pt Tau list on his website, written over the last few days, and while it has the elements I believe Tau must have, I don't believe it stands a chance against Evil Homer's 1500 points of Imperial Guard.
So let's experiment: anyone want to post what they believe is a good 1250 Tau list? This isn't to knock anyone's dick in the dirt, but I think the conversation could be informative.
Something like this maybe. It lacks something against armor spam so I think Pirannahs might get subbed for a unit of Crisis Suits but otherwise...
Also might swap the 2nd fire warrior unit for another unit of Kroot and more kill things.
2000 Pts - Tau Empire Roster - Unnamed
Heavy Support: Hammerhead Gunship (1#, 165 Pts)
1 Hammerhead Gunship @ 165 Pts
Railgun; Smart Missile System; Targeting Array; Disruption Pod; Landing Gear
Heavy Support: Broadside Battlesuit (2#, 150 Pts)
2 Broadside Battlesuit @ 150 Pts
Twin linked Railgun; Smart Missile System; Target Lock
Troops: Fire Warrior (7#, 160 Pts)
6 Fire Warrior @ 160 Pts
Pulse Rifle (x6)
1 Devilfish @ [100] Pts
Burst Cannon; Smart Missile System; Landing Gear
Troops: Fire Warrior (7#, 160 Pts)
6 Fire Warrior @ 160 Pts
Pulse Rifle (x6)
1 Devilfish @ [100] Pts
Burst Cannon; Smart Missile System; Landing Gear
Troops: Kroot Carnivore Squad (12#, 84 Pts)
12 Kroot Carnivore Squad @ 84 Pts
Kroot Rifle (x12)
Elite: Crisis Battlesuit (3#, 186 Pts)
3 Crisis Battlesuit @ 186 Pts
Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker
Elite: Crisis Battlesuit (3#, 186 Pts)
3 Crisis Battlesuit @ 186 Pts
Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker
HQ: Commander Shas'el (2#, 159 Pts)
1 Commander Shas'el @ 159 Pts
Crisis Bodyguard; Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker
1 Crisis Bodyguard @ [72] Pts
Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker
Total Roster Cost: 1250
Created with Army Builder
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.
Tactics: Push the table at the opponent with the suits, be aggressive rather than passive shooty. But most of all be smart about LOS and cover. Using terrain to block LOS entirely, limiting your opponents shots at you while you pick and choose your targets is going to be key.
That list is 1250 btw.
Thunderwolf base size was addressed by GW for the UK GT heats. Here is what they cane up with.
The choices were:
- Cavalry bases (as suggested from their unit type)
- 40mm round (same as Terminator model for example)
- 60mm round (same as Canis model I believe)
It was posted here: http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=65208&start=0
Being the resident Tau & IG player at my local gaming group, I have to say evil Homer is right.
5th Ed. IG has opened a variety of possibilities with effective, competitive, and fluffy lists. Air cavalry rush, alpha-striking, mech-vets, hidden artillery, etc. Feel the wrath of the re-costed and improved Imperium!
Tau, on the other hand, have to resort to guerilla tactics, using the terrain in as clever a fashion as possible, to dictate the flow of the game. Set-up of deployment is key.
It is possible to win, and win well with Tau. This requires patience and discipline. But it is a much more unforgiving army to play with, definitely compared to any of the new 5th edition 'dexes.
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