Okay, the tournament results are in and I was absolutely perfect, almost. I placed second in the tournament which had 4 rounds. I would tell you how Brent and evil homer did, but I don't want to spoil the fun of their posts. I think we had 14 players and the armies that I can remeber were 2 chaos demons, 1 dark angel, 1 tyranid (old codex), white scares, guard, dark eldar, demon hunters, blood angels, ork, space wolves, crimson fist, tau, and my chaos space marines. Round 1 I played against the dark angels and in this game we had 3 objectives, and the secondary objective was table quarters. I had some terrible luck with my terminators, and my lesser demons died on the mishap table. I ended up with a minor victory due to grabbing more table quarters. What's funny is I played this guy the night before and almost tabled him, but this time I just barely got by. Game 2 was against demon hunters and the thing about his list was that he had two crusader land raiders which made me nervous. For the mission we had 4 objectives and I can't remember what the secondary objective was. I did manage to kill both land raiders on turn 3, and my opponent did have some bad luck rolling against me. I got a major victory against the demon hunters. Round 3 was against orks and a fairly new player. I talked tactics with him the night before and I think it paid off for him. He was running a horde type list with snikrot, a warboss on a bike, and a large squad of commandos who would out flank (or what ever the rule is called, ambush I think). He ended up with the major victory due to kill points, but we only got through 4 turns. I am fairly confident that had it gone one more turn I would have had him. I do not feel that he was slow playing me on purpose due to the fact that he is a new player. I could have rushed his turns but I wanted him to be able to think about what he was going to do next, and you can't do that with someone telling you to hurry up and move 90 models. My last match up was against the dreaded white scars and their retarded command squad. I managed a major victory after finally killing his command squad with just about everything I had. In the first half of the game my dice were failing me badly and I was getting pretty pissed, but I stayed with it and then my opponent's dice went way south on him the last 2 rounds. Nothing makes you feel better than watching the dice gods attack someone else's dice for a change. The tournament went well, although I would have liked to have seen at least one mission without having to claim an objective. Next month is 1500 pts and I might add a greater demon and another demon prince, go min max.
Here was my 1250 list:
Hq Demon prince: slaanesh, wings, lash
5 terminators: champion with power fist combi melta, 1 heavy flamer power fist, 3 power weapons 1w/ combi melta
8 lesser demons
7 plague marines in rhino: 2 meltas, 1 with a personal icon, 3 bolters, 1 champion w/ power fist.
rhino has havoc launcher.
10 man marines in rhino: 2 meltas, 1 chaos glory, 6 bolters, champion w/ power fist.
rhino has havoc launcher
2 oblits
Dreadnought: twin link auto cannon, missile launcher
Most of the games I put everything in reserves except for the 2 rhino squads and the demon prince. I would move forward with one or both rhinos and deep strike off of the icons use meltas off of termies or oblits to pop vehicles. Use the lash from the demon prince to keep heavy hitting units back, and pull scoring units off of objectives. The lesser demons would claim an objective close to home and would go to ground in cover if shot at. They are fearless so you don't have to take a leadership test from shooting. That's it, pretty simple plan for success.
Sorry if I butchered the ork stuff or anything else, I'm to lazy to check names of characters or their rules.
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