Tournament Prologue
So tomorrow is our first tournament of the new year. For those of us participating in our monthly build-up we are required to play our build-up army though not necessarily our monthly list.
Turn out should be good for us, maybe 12-16 players with a wide variety of armies. I am taking my IG and will be playing my monthly list. It’s worked fairly well though I have some concerns about it. Mostly the number of scoring units and a lack of long-range AP (though I think this is less of an issue given the availability of cover saves). I also really lack the ability to torrent a unit down so we’ll see how it goes.
All three of us that post here are playing and I think it might be interesting to read all of our thoughts about the event. Three different views on the same even so to speak.
Here is my list, feel free to comment. (insert wall of text now…)
HQ: Company Command Squad (6#, 165 Pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 165 Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x4); Plasmagun (x4); Chimera
1 Company Commander @ [26] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Refractor Field; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Senior Officer
1 Chimera @ [55] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Turret Multi-Laser; Heavy Flamer
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 165 Pts)
7 Veteran Squad @ 165 Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x7); Lasgun (x4); Meltagun (x3); Veteran Weapons Team; Chimera
1 Veteran Weapons Team @ [10] Pts
Frag Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x1); Flak Armour; Lasgun (x1); Krak Grenades; Autocannon
1 Veteran Sergeant @ [7] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
1 Chimera @ [55] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Turret Multi-Laser; Heavy Flamer
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 165 Pts)
7 Veteran Squad @ 165 Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x7); Lasgun (x4); Meltagun (x3); Veteran Weapons Team; Chimera
1 Veteran Weapons Team @ [10] Pts
Frag Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x1); Flak Armour; Lasgun (x1); Krak Grenades; Autocannon
1 Veteran Sergeant @ [7] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
1 Chimera @ [55] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Turret Multi-Laser; Heavy Flamer
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 Pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x9); Lasgun (x6); Meltagun (x3); Chimera
1 Veteran Sergeant @ [7] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
1 Chimera @ [55] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Turret Multi-Laser; Heavy Flamer
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 140 Pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 140 Pts
1 Vendetta @ [140] Pts
Extra Armor; Searchlight; Twin-linked Lascannon (x3); Heavy Bolter Sponsons (x2)
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 140 Pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 140 Pts
1 Vendetta @ [140] Pts
Extra Armor; Searchlight; Twin-linked Lascannon (x3); Heavy Bolter Sponsons (x2)
Heavy Support: Manticore Rocket Launcher (1#, 160 Pts)
1 Manticore Rocket Launcher @ 160 Pts
Storm Eagle Rockets; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Heavy Flamer
Heavy Support: Manticore Rocket Launcher (1#, 160 Pts)
1 Manticore Rocket Launcher @ 160 Pts
Storm Eagle Rockets; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Heavy Flamer
Total Roster Cost: 1250
The autocannons are there because I had 20 points to burn and it was either that, or carapace on the CCS. I probably should have gone for the carapace but what's done is done.
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Manticores are awesome in big points games where the enemy has to be stacked up due to table space issues. At 1250, I think one is maybe okay, but 2 is costing you a Medusa or Demolisher, both of which are better.
Consider what you would do to your own list.
Another thing to consider is that you have 2 vehicles and your CHQ that stand a decent chance of killing a combat squad. And the vehicles are really too dangerous to shoot within 12" of your own troops.
Big Bug Nids would be terrible for you. Drop Pods will be hard on you, especially if they can come in during later turns.
In homer's defense the manitcores work quite well right now because we are playing on 4x4 tables at 1250. This forces people into smaller spaces and he can still take advantage.
For next month points go to 1500 and table go to 6x4.
Yeah the 4x4 tables are killing my Dark Eldar *shudder*
I don't plan on doing well tomorrow.
Dark Eldar should always full Reserve on a 4x4. You have to either be moving flat-out or alpha strike to have a chance.
If Homer's opponents are letting him whack them woth 2 Manticores, more power to him. I might deploy foot Devastators against him, especially in a bolstered ruin. If people are deplyoing Rhinos and Raiders to get alphaed off by Manticores, I'm at a loss.
Playing like it's 4e is the surest path to losing, and even moreso against IG. And people do it every day.
I'm loving the comments section these last few days!
I gave JWolf's comments a good think, 'cause there was something in there bugging me but I couldn't quite put my finger on. It was this:
"If Homer's opponents are letting him whack them worth 2 Manticores, more power to him."
That's interesting on a few levels, not least of which does Psychology have an appreciable points value? Might make an interesting post, but this is why I thought of it...
With all due respect to the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) I don't think the 4x4 tables are an issue; if anything, they allow an opponent to get closer to the problem. Nor do I think Homer's opponents are bunching up, inviting a good blowing (heh) - I know I'm not. Rather this: I actually DON'T think Homer's getting full value for the Manticores, point for point, even most games.
I think maybe that's why he's been dissatisfied and has been considering the Punisher Cannon alternative.
I don't think I'm wrong, though I hadn't considered it before now. Like Fallout said in the last post: peer review.
not Punisher that thing is of strictlt limited utility. Now the executioner maybe its just so damn expensive.
My problems with my list revolve more around being bored with it rather than any real missing component. I will probably end getting a colossus to pair with the twin manticores that should solve some of my cover/ap at range issues.
At 1500 points I think I am adding a PBS to have some fun with. Something other than another troop choice and piece of artillery.
Most games I do get back value for the manticore's, most of the time even on a point-for-point basis. I am actually quite happy with them.
It honestly just comes down to wanting to change my list for the sake of change, that nagging feeling I get every week to tweak, whether its better or not.
Most of the time when I start making changes it always comes back to the same thing in the end anyway. We'll see how it goes tomorrow and go from there.
Good luck! post battle reports. Psychology plays a big factor in games. You have to figure out what your opponent thinks your army does, versus what you think you're army does and take advantage.
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