I'm just not very good at it.
I mean, I'm OKAY... nothing special, just kinda meh. It's fairly amusing to some of dudes at the FLGS, cause I'm hell on wheels tough at 40K but would rather take a beating in Fantasy.
(A word on tough. My store is riddled with great 40K players; in this, we are like many, many stores across the country. My favorite part of blogging is seeing how easily offended people get at the idea someone else, somewhere else, might just know a thing or two about kicking ass. There is no ego in my game for two reasons, 1) I'm always ready to learn, believing the game is ever-changing and it's important to stay on top of it, and 2) I know who the best player around is - his name is Jon from Oklahoma City. The dude is a prodigy, and in that he reminds me a bit of Stelek; they both look at the game and army composition the same way. Enough about this: I have a top record - who cares? I'm never saying I'm better than this guy or that - I don't know nor do I care; it's not what's important to me.)
So my store had a decent run on Fantasy this year until it was sidetracked by the machinations of the master manipulator (every store has to have one guy like this to keep things moving) and it was again set aside for 40K. Ah well: me and a buddy went to Lone Wolf.
Lone Wolf was my first experience with a well-run Indy event for Warhammer. I got stomped 3 games out of 4, relying on my brillant strategy of running right at my opponent and getting my dinky knocked in the dirt.
I had a blast. Great fun.
Game One.

The only game I actually won, primarily since he ran out to meet me. We had a nice group hug in the middle. This dude was a blast to play - really decent guy.

I'll end this all here, since I'm heading off to class now. I'll revisit the Lone Wolf in future posts, since I've got some great shots of many of the armies there.
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