
Struggling with the BoLS Daemon Series

The following is a section I cut from today's Terrible Tuesday Bell of Lost Soul's article.  Sometimes you gotta edit, and this didn't belong, being interesting but not pertinent.  Still, it does explain my views on articles in general, so some few may be interested.

The Importance of Doin' It Up Right

Writing last week's article was tough; harder by far than any other article.  Heck, any other series of articles, or combine two or three of the articles that felt like birthing a True-Scale Space Marine...

...and none of them compare.  This is brutal.

Don't believe me?

For those of you who've followed the Terrible Tuesday (and yeah, sometimes it's Wednesday) series over two years and 97 98 articles have probably realized I closely follow the comments.  It's part of my style to avoid talking out a subject as an attempt to encourage you, Oh Faithful Reader, to take the time to jot a thought or three.  Following comments, particularly by those of you who do so frequently, is part of the satisfaction derived from maintaining a competitive slot on Bell of Lost Souls.

Last week, I couldn't even look.


Batch Painting with an Airbrush

So, 68 Genestealers to paint - and they came in all red and blotchy.


Video: Terrain as Per the Book in a 2K Game

The Mighty Mighty Carlos and I played a game last week at 2K; me with Sisters and allied Eldar and he with double Bastions and Imperial Fists.

My 2K Sisters has four squads of Sisters of Battle, four Exorcists, Jacobus with Crusaders and Assassins, Celestine, a Farseer (for psychic defense and jankiness), Pathfinders, and a Fortification with a Quad Gun.


Gak! 'Net Down, Disconnected!

As the title suggests, I've been off the grid since last week.  A lightning storm killed my internet.

And my couch.  Stupid electric old-person recliner - I was perfectly content with manual models.  Now the recliners are in a permanent state of... excitement.

I won't bore you with my "the ISP took freakin' forever story" as you no doubt have one of your own.  Getting *SELF-EDIT* by utilities is a Universal Truth, along with, "Underwear is never clean in an accident, so why wear it?"

Hey, I don't make the rules.

This is a short post, largely because the technician just left and I have to head back to work.  Here are some pics to try and begin catching up on my posting.


Imperial Catachans and Ethnic Diversity

I painted up these Catachans over the last week and some, but bogged down when it came to different shades of skin.


BoLS Terrible Tuesday, Leftovers

The Terrible Tuesday BoLS article was on budget terrain.  Given there were more than the usual number of unused pictures, I decided to drop them in an article here.  Leftovers, as it were.

(As an aside - doh!  I finished at like, 11:57pm!  Way past deadline, even for me.  Larry probably dreads Monday nights.)

Laying out the bits, seeing what inspires.


Feast Invitational, 8/4: Galaxy in Wichita Falls, TX!

"We'll be there!"  (No they won't.)
Galaxy Books and Comics is hosting a Feast of Blades Invitational this Saturday, the 4th of August.