
Imperial Catachans and Ethnic Diversity

I painted up these Catachans over the last week and some, but bogged down when it came to different shades of skin.

Turns out, ethnic diversity isn't all that easy - especially on models that don't have the characteristics of the different racial groups.  Here's the members; you be the judge of any success.


  1. You did a great job, especially considering the models you were working with. I wanted to do something similar on a recent scout squad and ran into the problem you mention...no diversity in the models themselves! You've given me some ideas for the next squad though...

  2. Looking good; I do think that it can help to break things up and provide a little variety, even though there's little variety in features. I did some variation for both my regular and traitor guard forces.

    Whether there really would be much diversity, and what it would look like, thousands of years in the future with an increasingly interconnected world, then with thousands of years of enforced separation again after humanity scatters to the stars, is an interesting conjecture.

  3. Is it me or does the 4th picture down look like goatboy

  4. Great job with the Catachans. I also struggled creating ethic diversity in my Catachan army. my attempts ended up with everyone in the army either too light skinned to be from a sun blazed jungle world or not dark skinned enough to really be noticed from the crowd. On a side note, Great interview on the heroic 28s. Dude, your hilarious. Look forward to following your blog.

  5. heheh spent the last week getting my tainted guard done for their 500pt escalation painted league. Their flesh tones are radical http://fortykwc.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/403-tainted-guardsmen/
