
Works in Progress... Wargames Con Coming Soon!

Wargames Con is in something like 38 days and counting.  There's a lot to do.  Currently I'm working on the Team Tournament army The Card Pimp and I are fielding, which is a Necron and Tyranid tag-team.

Our team name:  Not Another Grey Knights Army.

The model above is the WIP for the Necronid Prime, an amalgamation of the mechanical and biological.  The base is an issue; for playability, it has to be on a Terminator-sized base, but practically speaking it's a pretty large mother.  The base will magnetize and can be easily removed.

Introducing The Ultimate Paint Stick!  Also called a yard stick... but there are a lot of models to get crackin' on!




The Necronid's head isn't a head as such, but - assuming I can pull it off - will be a hologram of sorts.  Remember Robocop II?

Okay, now for the Hormigaunts and Necron Warriors and Scarabs, oh my!

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