
Weekend Warhammer... Fantasy, Even

So, from what I understand Fantasy is broken and everybody hates it.

Well, since me and the guys from the FLGS were never really that good at it in the first place, we're having fun, regardless.

By the way, BIG CONGRATS to the birth of Little Barrera's little girl, Little Bit Barrera!  I'm pretty sure that's what Wife of Barrera the Younger plans on calling her.

(Ignore all that.  Congrats, Mike - much love!)

With the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) at the hospital, Everybody's Brother From Another Mother Big Whit being who-knows-where, Sam-I-Am having to work, and the general lack of interest in Fantasy from the younger set, it was a rather smallish tournament:  1250, 3 rounds.

The Mighty Mighty Carlos, spreading the Empire love.

And here's his opponent, all confused since he hasn't earned a name yet.
* * * 

I ran the tournament but played a ringer.  I've been playing the Artist Formerly Known as Farseer Tim practically every week... and it should be noted the Card Pimp in Question's Lizardmen is almost an exact copy of Tim's list!

With that in mind, I've lost like 7 games in a row to devastating Slann magic.  As Tim noted, I was due one.

Since magic wasn't working out for the poor Beastmen - given how there just appears to be Slann everywhere these days - I'd dropped magic entirely.  My block of Minotaurs was a Taur-Star, so to speak, with a Doombull and Gorebull Banner Bearer leading a thick unit with an extra hand weapon.  I also have a 20-strong unit of Gors and two Chariots.  I set my line...

...and the silly Skink nails me with Chain Lightning!

It ran down the row, blitzing first the Chariot on the right, then the Taur-Star, then the Gors, before finally blasting the last Chariot off the map!  Ouch.

Payback is a *SELF-EDIT*!  I charged the Skinks with the Taur-Star and the Spears with the Chariot, and as Black Adder always says, I've got a cunning plan..!

The Skirmishing Skinks Stand And Shoot, with poison weapons felling a Minotaur before the Doombull uses his Axes of Khorgar to blast them off the map.  It all came down to a measly d6 overrun, which I made!  The Taur-Star slammed into the unit of Spearmen to assist the Chariot!

Woot!  Great round... now I just have to stand up to the Templeguard.  Note the Skink-block on the left is out of position.

The Skink-block reforms.  The Templeguard charge!  The magic round is brutal, and the Artist Formerly Known as Farseer Time gets everything he wants!  Round One...

...is tough.  Ultimately, all my Minotaurs need 6's to wound; to add insult to injury, I took wounds at the end of his magic phase just by being in base contact!  Regardless, I manage to win combat due to the sheer number of dice I was rolling!  Naturally, he sticks.

In my turn, I roll a high Winds of Magic.  With 9 dice, I almost foolishly allocated 3 to each spell, before realizing I don't care about the Lore of Life basic buff - without the other spells in place, it won't affect me.  I dispel two spells, then open up on the Temple Guard, utterly destroying them.

Regrow that!  I run the Slann down.

Yup, due one!  Good game, Tim, always fun.


  1. Hi Brent!

    Good to see others talking about Fantasy in a positive light!

    Even better to see Beasts beat Lizards :) Nice win.

    How have been getting on with 8th Ed?

  2. It's easy math.. Painted armies always win hahaha

  3. Hey Brent, still reading and enjoying and there will be articles coming through the ether I ain't forgotten my prize.

    I love a black adder quotes, they're funnier than a very funny thing, but unfortunately you got it wrong - perhaps getting into character?

    It was Black Adder's dim witted side kick with severe lack of personal hygiene and even less cunning, Baldrick, who used to say "i've got a cunning plan"(particularly series two) though you could have had "i've got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel"from Mr Black Adder.

    And if you're worried about a bullet with your name on it well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnFQkB0D0ww and watch out for house!

  4. Sorry Brother had to work. I did call you the last two weeks to get some games in.

  5. My army won and it wasn't fully painted
