
Daemons 2012 Part IV

After much conversation and not a small bit of stalling, Part IV presents the Strictly Average Daemons 2012 list.

If you're at all interested in the subject, feel free to check out:

Can Daemons Be Updated for 2012??

Daemons 2012 Part II

Daemons 2012 Part III

And from Bell of Lost Souls, the articles that kicked off the Terrible Tuesday series, the Daemonic Primers:

Here's the list; standard caveats apply.

After much consideration, I kept the Skulltaker, largely for his ability against Grey Knights... and that's the toughest matchup for this list...

...with the possible exception of street-sweeper Dark Eldar builds.  The latter is why the Hounds are in groups of eight and there is an extra Crusher, instead of a more MSU approach with groups of five or something.

I love Breath on Heralds of Tzeentch, but with only two and the need to optimize where possible, it doesn't seem viable here.

A possible improvement is including Screamers; you'd have to make those changes I decried two paragraphs ago, but it's possible to fit two groups of three or one of six - something like that.  I don't know that its better, since I don't have much experience with Screamers, but AV 14 has always been the big weakness of Daemons.  With that in mind, it's important to note the Heralds of Khorne are a big part of the anti-mech in this list, due to Furious Charge and Rending.

Another reason for the Skulltaker, 4+ Rending is the bomb!

(But will he build this list?)

I just had a stray thought... am I actually going to build this?  Maybe.  I want to upgrade my army with new models for the Fiends and Horrors, largely because, as the workhorse army of the Strictly Average collection, my painting scores have suffered mightily on the Indy Scene.

Who doesn't love Barney?  Don't answer that...

Adepticon 2011 is a good example of that.  Even with the top battle points finish, the painting score sunk my overall.  Frankly, that's fair; the Fiends have never received more than a basic scheme, and the Horrors are all over the place.  I have the models to update both and add the Crushers.

It's a matter of time and will.



  1. I hate that painting scores exist, there should be separate painting competitions, and should have no impact on overall winner. As long as an army is table painted and properly based, the idea of penalizing them because the paint job isn't necessarily spectacular is silly, like penalizing with comp scores. Sigh.

  2. Should be noted that Skull Taker only rends non-vehicles on a 4+. Against vehicles you would still need a 6.

  3. Brent your tzeentch units in groups of 5 offends me.... :P

  4. I think this army will do good against most MEQ armies and mech guard with their low rear armors on tanks and generaly slow moving troops once you smash the boxes. But yeah the Deldar hail of splinter fire might ruin your day.

  5. Hm. Well, it's a list :) Not necessarily the way I would have gone but you are a more experienced player than I am.

    I will say though that I think not having We are Legion on your Tz Heralds is a mistake when using Bolt and Gaze. You want to be able to fire both of them in a turn at separate targets.

    Krisken of Scratchbuilt 40k

  6. I used to use screamers a lot.... And am slowly going back to them because of DE. But, the main problem is that they're usually one-shot deals. If they're successful, they usually die when the vehicle explodes (but that might just be a reflection of my luck!)

  7. When you take a Juggernaut it comes with Iron Hide, so that's 15 points shaved off your HoK.

  8. Dude I am booked for Feast of Blades, hope to see you there! Jawaballs
