Let's move on. Here it is, from Tuesday's Bell post titled:
Brent: Whatcha Think About Rankings HQ?
In it, I referred to a type of Big Red article we bemoan behind the scenes; it goes something like this:
Author X spends time writing article > Big Red spends time writing article
Author X's page views and comments < Big Red's page views and comments
So after referring to this phenomena... it happens with the very next post:
My numbers were respectable, and par for the course for an article like that - usually you have to be more controversial - or piss someone off - to draw big number comments. Or you can just be Big Red.
Don't rush out to be number 422; you ain't missing anything. And yeah, that's jealousy talking. The comments in my article were pretty good, by and large.
And then there was this one:
It was Straylight's use of the word 'meaningless' that flipped the switch. I don't hate on criticism, but one's failure to understand the language due to a whimsical overuse of adjectives isn't lazy thinking, it's lack of.
Then he wants to share. Huh.
So I responded with a Bit of Nothing Much: an equally useless statement. After all, maybe the dude was just feeling reasonably disagreeable. Hell, I've been there!
Now we get to the fun! AbaddonsMummy (I added the caps, having met the woman) dropped some valid wordage!
It's fair criticism, though I'd suggest somewhere on the mood disorder spectrum would be more appropriate a comparison than schizophrenic. Schizoaffective at the very worst. But what I loved about his comment, and why I responded will become apparent after the next frame...
...but first he responds:
That's how you do it! What a *SELF-EDIT* sandwich; perfectly done!
Notice his criticism is still there, nestled all snug between the exclamation mark and the juvenile humor? So what? I can own it - almost none of my Terrible Tuesday posts get a second draft, so there's always something that could be improved.
Besides, in trying to please everyone blah blah blah.
I'll stick with 'acquired taste.' (And queue joke...)
More than all of that, I'd like to point out that this is why I don't overreact to biting comments to a Bell of Lost Souls article: most of the time there's a decent dude on the other computer. I can't count the number of times I've won over a critic - or at the very least agreed to disagree - by engaging them in conversation rather than pointless sniping.
In this case, there was a funny masturbating joke to laugh at... but what's it in reference to..?
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So a new, hot girl joins Bell every minute? In her underwear, to boot? |
Hmm, you wrote a blog post about comments on another blog post you wrote.
ReplyDeleteThis is getting way to incestuously meta for me. Can I buy you a beer at Adepticon?
Have you seen the comments on my last article? 25, and most of them were guys telling me how bad it is or that I am a horrible person for supporting a specific company.
I just file this kind of stuff under "welcome to the internet". Always keep in mind that satisfied customers are less likely to spell out their satisfaction, even if they are the vast majority.
Haters gonna hate *shrug*
Zero: I'm all about digital incestuousness!
ReplyDeleteStrictly Average has become more about what strikes my fancy of late, and the people and comments around the Blogosphere always tickle me.
And for that beer? It would be a privilege. By far the best part of these events is getting the opportunity to put names to handles and meet the rapid hobbyists out there.
Tabletop: Yeah, I'm right there with you. Believe me, I don't lose sleep on the random hate.
That said, it's amazing that your articles draw anything but positive comments - you're always dropping the new and interesting eye candy...
...so what's not to like?
Easy to answer: It's not GW :)
ReplyDeleteRemind me never to goof on Darkwynn....
ReplyDeleteI hate those spam banners, they're showing up in more and more places and it's concerning me some.