Okay, okay! Skyrim isn't the only thing keeping me from blogging duties.
It isn't even the biggest reason. Work has been particularly draining lately. You may or may not know what I do for a living - if you listen to OffTopical, it's easy to guess - but suffice it to say bad days are bad.
Job security.
Anyway, by the time this posts my day-late weekly article for Bell will have hit, so I figured I'd drop a few pics and call it a night.
I wanted to paint minis for the current D&D game. My gaming group is small, being three of the four members of OffTopical...
...yeah, that keeps popping up - give it a listen! Keyword OffTopical on iTunes, or you can visit the blog, here. The former gets all the traffic! We're doing pretty well right now, actually.
Anyway, my brother pegged on a way to make traditional dungeon crawling hack and slash actually part of the story. If anyone is interested in non-wargaming posts, I'll be happy to drop some words.
The duo is an Orc and Dark Elf, dual classed to make it all work. Anyone want to guess at the dual classes involved? Think old school!
I kept the look simple. The mini is a gaming aid - a workhorse - and it may end up in the bottom of a box at some point. Joshman and Morgan have zip-all respect for the difference between painted and prepainted!
This is frustrating - this Space Marine didn't take all that well. I spent more time blending and highlighting, playing around with Vallejo paints, than I normally would. It's just not showing through in these picks.
I think it needs another hit of matte paint or something - the shine obscures too much. Regardless, this is a wip, evident in the base. No, it won't stay that way; I'm taking the Master Manipulator (every store needs one)'s advice and washing the sand before applying static grass.
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1 comment:
After the wash on the base drybrush lightly with a light brown or even bleached bone or, believe it or not, elf flesh.
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