
Daemons! 2K Tournament List! Hurrah!

The Master Manipulator (every store needs one) is hosting a 2K tournament today.  It's going to be a smallish affair, since it was wasn't really advertised outside of town, and yours truly was planning on bringing his Necrons.

That is, until the Client Pimp in Question acquired his new Necron army from Everbody's Brother From Another Mother Big Whit.

Who traded off his only painted army..?  Not sure I understand that one Whit, but I do look forward to you finishing your Guard army.  (Also, I gather the 'Crons weren't performing the way he wanted them to - sometimes a book just isn't a good fit.)

Anyway, as always happens when someone even thinks of divesting themselves of an army, the Client Pimp in Question whips off his magic Helmet of Mind Control and teleports to the wherever he needs to be to make a trade.

One day we'll go through his numbers and you'll see what I mean.  The boy is a seriously talented merchant - so much so I gave up the game before it got good and started and asked him to act as a broker in my interests...

...watching him work both sides of a transaction is a scary process, but it was the right thing to do.  Hell, I'd probably have nothing left at this point but a few Daemons and a ton of painting commission debt!  I'd cry over my paint pots every night and wonder whatever happened to all my toys.

But where was I..?

Oh, yeah.  Necrons.  The Client Pimp in Question decided he was playing his new army at today's event. With Tinfoil Hat Tim also in attendance with his army, had I brought mine it would be three Necron armies in one small tournament.

Little Barrera's Dark Eldar would enjoy that just a bit too much, methinks.

I considered taking the Sisters, but I'm not well versed with the rules just yet.  I don't have my Bugs! ready and I'm sort of burned out on the Brotherhood at the moment.

So why not Daemons?  My thinking was, I'll tweak my standard list for a bit of fun and viola!  Fun tournament!  Here's the list...

It's the 3rd Soul Grinder I recently acquired that did it.  I've long maintained Daemon Princes are better, but SG's aren't bad by any stretch.



  1. Seems fun. But DPs are def better IMO too. Much harder to kill. I just got beat up by 3 last night, and I was playing GK! (a tourney list vs my "models that are painted" list). It was still a fun game, but I kinda feel like DPs are an auto include.

  2. It's all good as long as it's not Imperial...
