
Can Daemons Be Updated for 2012??

I guess I'll file this under Afternoon Quickies; it's not going to have much more than the army lists, today.

Recap Tournament:  Good time.

Game One = Buy...  I was at my nephew's baptism so missed Round One.  The MM(esno) held a spot for the afternoon.  

Game Two = Win over Necrons...  Poor Client Pimp in Question!  Our local addict was crawling out of his skin after missing Round One to a buy!  He needed the win to have a solid chance at first, but the Daemons stole it away in the later turns of the game.

Game Three = Loss to Vulcan Marines, er, Salamanders...  Everybody's Brother From Another Mother Big Whit played the best 40K I've seen him play.  Real solid game and a very nice tweak on his former offering.

Game Four = Massacred by the Dark Eldar...  Think Custer without all that mercy stuff.  Little Barrera went on to win the tournament, and Big Whit took second. 

Just a smallish affair... but man, were the weaknesses of Daemons in the new meta very, very apparent!  The Soul Grinders were fun but the Achilles' Heel I've oft mentioned was a real bummer.  Even against Dark Eldar, I missed my Daemon Princes.

But here's another way to think about it - I lost three Bolts of Change at BS 2.  This one change (not to mention the others in the list; this wasn't near my old optimized army) had army-wide ramifications.  The Khorne Herald was very scary, but again, missing out on the Bolt by dropping the Herald of Tzeentch affected everything else.

This army was a shadow of its former self - not nearly as good.

Here's some lists I've been toying around with.  I won't explain the thoughts behind them just yet, mostly because I have to run, but I will say neither are finished products.  Just thought experiments.


  1. as always, i am looking forward to what direction you take this in.

    Pat, 11th Co.

  2. I think your original list with the 4 Tzeentch Heralds and Horror bolts was the stronger list, tbh. With Bloodcrushers and Fiends both being in the elite slot and Daemon Princes massively expensive wings options, there's not a whole lot we can do to make the army stronger than you had it.

    Krisken of Scratch Built 40k

  3. I see daemons having a rough time versus dark eldar. I was a little surprised you lost to Vulkan Marines - I'm guessing that hammernators played a big part in the loss... Maybe he had Null Zone up and running as well which is always bad news versus daemons. I am still big on heavy Khorne lists with a touch of Nurgle in the form of a winged daemon prince. It's probably been a couple years since I played my daemons - they were fun while it lasted.

  4. Daemons can still do some fun stuff. A couple weeks ago I got in a game with them and absolutely wrecked a GK player (Skulltaker ate ten Paladins!)

  5. Brent going for blood crushers? Are times so desperate ;). The second list is very close to what I've been playing with daemons, but a HBU of bloodletters or daemonettes has also been working for me. Multiassaults allow you to make those game winning assaults.

  6. Not sure if I'm sold on fate-crusher builds yet -- need more experimentation! I'm still a fan of 4 Tzeentch Heralds on chariots, backed up by daemon princes and a *throw-away* (melta magnet, that is!) soul grinder. I haven't beaten dark eldar with daemons in a long while, so am not sure what the solution there is.

  7. I stopped reading after you used the word 'meta'.

    But I do love the crap outta your zheralds.
