Feast of Blades: Not Enough Time! Gak!
Not even 48-hours ago, I found out I'd be able to attend the Feast of Blades after all.
Ultimately, I just won't have time to complete the two additional Grey Hunters squads I'd like to have, so my army won't be quite as optimized as I'd like. Still, I worked hard these last two nights trying to make progress.
More pics after the jump!
Here's a pile to work on! |
Here's another pile to work on! No, not all of these are necessary, but still! |
With the Brotherhood, I do the model and base separately until the wash stage. I spent quite awhile building bases for these units, and last night I was frantically gluing models. |
Here are Brotherhood Guard models, most of whom wouldn't even make the FoB list... why again was I wasting time on them? |
The most recent Hunters squad, now based. I have two that require painting, plus two additional models each for my two original squads. Not going to happen. |
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Good luck at FoB, man!
You can do it all night long!!
I wish I could go.
Go see the new TINTIN movie.
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